OpenAI DALL-E-2 Applications

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During the hackathon, we fine-tuned GPT-3 and built a self-analysis tool that helps one objectively assess their problem and develop new ideas for solving it. It can be used by people who can't access mental health care because of high prices and stigma. It is based on CBT and should be highly effective in the following cases: 1. A person has a problem and doesn't know how to solve it. For example, "I can't keep up with deadlines," or "My parents are overprotective." 2. A person can't make a decision. "Should I move?", "Should I accept an offer from a new company?" etc. 3. A person can't sort out their thoughts. "I can't understand why I'm so uncomfortable being a dad," "Why have I become so irritable?" etc. 4. A person wants to improve their relationship. "I'm so jealous," "We fight all the time," "I'm not happy with my wife. I cheated, and I feel guilty". In therapy, people who are objective about their situation and able to set specific goals tend to achieve better results. This tool does exactly that. A typical session consists of three parts: 1. Analysis. This part includes questions that make the person analyze various aspects of the situation and draw an objective picture. The essence of this part is the transition from an emotional to a rational perception of reality. 2. Empathy. It consists of a comprehensive generalizing statement aimed at supporting the client emotionally. 3. Decision. It consists of questions that allow the person to analyze the availability of resources and ways to solve the problem. Questions force the person to move from emotions to concrete steps toward the goal.

Elomia Health