Browse applications built on Stable Dreamfusion technology. Explore PoC and MVP applications created by our community and discover innovative use cases for Stable Dreamfusion technology.
A sophisticated supply chain management and optimization platform powered by IBM WatsonX.AI, designed to revolutionize supply chain operations through AI-driven insights and automation.
- Sous-titres en Fon de vidéos qui sont à la base en français ou en anglais - Génération d'image à partir de texte écrit en fon - Traduction d'audios Fr - Fon / Fon - Fr / En - Fon / Fon -En
PlantID Bénin est une application mobile innovante qui utilise la vision par ordinateur et l'IA pour identifier les plantes médicinales indigènes du Bénin. PlantID autonomise les communautés, préserve le patrimoine botanique et stimule la recherche.
EyeCue aims at reshaping the recruitment process through inspiring AI-generated videos on social media. Our mission is to tap a large pool of potential candidates who are not actively searching but remain open to change to address the employee gap.
Revolutionizing mindfulness through immersive 3D meditation and 3D AI driven models.
This project involves the full cycle from 3D design to printing the object. OpenAI's shap-e and gpt4all were used in a streamlit application to generate an avocado-shaped flower vase from the recycled plastic filament.
Using 3D Generative AI to create 3D Models with a market place for 3D Printing
Blending AI and math to create captivating art that bridges science and creativity.
This project uses 3D generative AI to create 3D models of jewelry from pictures. The AI is trained on a dataset of images of jewelry, and it can generate 3D models that are similar to the images in the dataset.