3D Meditation

Created by team 3D Mental Health on August 16, 2023

Revolutionizing mindfulness through immersive 3D meditation and 3D AI driven models. In an era overwhelmed by distractions and stress, we introduce a groundbreaking 3D meditation platform. Harnessing advanced technologies like Point-e, Sharp-e, GET3D by Nvidia, and Stable Dreamfusion, we curate personalized, immersive meditation experiences. These technologies craft detailed 3D environments from text, images, or 3D mesh data, offering users a transformative and deep-engaged journey into mindfulness. By integrating AI, our platform adjusts and tailors each session to the user's preferences and emotional needs, elevating the standard of digital meditation.

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"The concept is exceptionally imaginative, and the presentation comprehensively addresses various dimensions. The challenge of constructing 3D realms extends far beyond the realm of meditation and could potentially find applications in crafting novel augmented reality/virtual reality metaverses. Conducting a customer analysis to ascertain whether a 3D environment genuinely provides a superior meditative setting compared to a 360-degree view would be a valuable pursuit. Overall, commendations are due for adeptly adapting 3D modeling concepts to an entirely new domain. "


Meghana Reddy Guduru

Computer Vision Engineer