Browse applications built on games technology. Explore PoC and MVP applications created by our community and discover innovative use cases for games technology.
EyeNav is an innovative AI-powered application that combines computer vision and natural language processing (NLP) to interpret human gaze and infer user intent—built using tools like MediaPipe, IBM Granite Vision 3.1 Model, and FastAPI.
We lauch Wholystic + C3 Framework, emphasizing the need of support for Minnzer, Sociemy, and Regular 3/4. We introduce initiatives researched since 2014 and the importance of an entrepreneurial framework to drive advancements in the gov-tech ecosystem,etc
FeynAI is a learning platform inspired by the Feynman Technique. By answering our young assistant Feyn’s curious questions, you’ll break down concepts, simplify ideas, and truly understand the subject matter!
New app that combines through AI food education, and monitoring to tackle childhood obesity. Kids and parents explore recipes, interact with a virtual character, and receive personalized AI-driven tips. Gamification and fun for a healthier diet!
Learn about taxes in a fun, interactive way! Complete engaging tasks that teach you how taxes work, while having fun with in-game challenges. Perfect for anyone wanting to understand taxes while enjoying a game experience.
Dipllama is a web application enabling users to upload documents for interactive chatting or engaging quizzes.
This project leverages the Llama 3 language model to determine the best moves in a game of Tic Tac Toe.
Experience a first date scenario with 16 different MBTI personality types through a simulation run with characterized AI!
Gamestorm.AI is a platform that allows anyone to create complex game in minutes.
Viable Trends* per day on day occurrence across a few sectors.
A flexible simulation sandbox where users can input high-level goals and witness emergent behavior. Ideal for testing AI training, robotics, or complex systems modeling.
"Nexia Tutor" offers a web app tackling language learning disabilities like dyslexia, providing screening tests & AI tutoring for personalized, effective learning for kids. Nexia supports UN SDGs, 80% to education & 20% to health.
A map application with parties around you. You can attend, create character and chat with others. Except some are AI bots and some are real human. Your goal, to get points is to guess who is real and who is human based on their chat!
A text based adventure utilizing Gemini AI and
Prototype for a multiplayer drawing game which utilizes Gemini text + image input
Story GPT is a world where AI agents live with long term memory. They can be used in writing, roleplay, gaming, social experiments and education.
StreetSmart - a groundbreaking web application designed to teach individuals who are visually impaired pedestrian safety, orientation, and mobility skills
A fully autonomous AI-generated toolkit for playing, running, and generating a game. What kind of game? Any kind of game you want.
Gaming Secretary is not a plain old AI product like all the others. Gaming Secretary is the path to revolutionizing the gaming industry!
Experience the simulation of lives from different backgrounds by Claude AI.
Stori is a collaborative game design tool for video games. Stori is an AI-powered game design tool streamlining game creation. It helps developers craft lore-consistent elements, significantly development time and cost while fostering creative control.
Our project is to build a text-based adventure games using Claude-100k model. Accessing a large language model would make the game interaction more interesting.
Enigma is an Anthropic Claude-powered situation puzzle game. Players reconstruct the truth in Enigma by asking smart questions and utilizing limited information. When faced with difficulties, Claude can generate images to hint players.
We plan to use Claude to create a new tool that can react to different expressions based on the content of the returned chat messages.
A Stable Diffusion powered experience inside a 360 cursed infested apartment complex called GOWONU; exploring procedural-generated maze-like rooms, while avoiding cursed apparitions and being lost inside forever.
Stori is collaborative video game lore building. We help video games generate places, events, quests, dialogues and a whole raft of other items.
Arty is an AI-powered art generator app with blockchain integration. Users can create art without connecting wallets, but can mint NFTs. Images created by Arty share a cohesive aesthetic for a stunning collection.
It's a astrological hero's journey to guide the unconscious mind to find compatible players in two areas of the human aspects.
Creating Infinite Possibility Voice-Commanded Text-Based Adventures using Whisper and ChatGPT
AI powered remake of the famous legendary game Tamagotchi - AIGotchi.
Bits&bots is the world's first generative AI party game. The host generates an image using the secret prompt that they describe. The guests need to come up with their own images using their own prompts. Whoever gets the closest wins!