
Created by team TunisFeldberg on March 03, 2023

TaskMate is a solution that can be integrated into any website, providing AI-powered speech interaction with the website. AI plays a significant role in making the solution better because of natural language processing. Speech interaction can address the problems we have identified by providing hands-free interaction, increasing accessibility, improving productivity, and reducing cognitive load. Overall, speech interaction can make it easier to use your phone in a variety of situations and improve accessibility and productivity for all users. We believe that TaskMate has the potential to be a game-changer in the way people interact with websites.

Category tags:

"the demo could have been supported by explanations. I do not understand what was demo'd"


Ervin Moore

PhD Computer Science Student

"Very cool application of Whisper, cant wait to steer my apps/programs by voice - first step I would advise on is a clear list of commands and functionalities that can be "ordered by voice""


Alek Jankowski

Operations and Partner Manager