Medina AI

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Created by team Open Community on September 15, 2024

In Uzbekistan 85% of deaths are caused because of non communicable disease. Why? Because we have only 15% of hospitals that are equipped with MRIs. We like professionals and equipment, especially in the countryside, and this process takes a lot of time, especially for people who live in rural areas because they don't have access to facilities and professionals in city areas. And this process is excessive bureaucracy and we have faulty diagnosis because we rely on human factors. Introducing CoMed, an AI powered platform to generate, manage and report Brain MRI observations. We are building one ecosystem for both doctors and their patients. We are moving forward to make MRI diagnosis easier, faster, and cheaper. And last but not least, we are NOT replacing doctors, however building tool for doctors to help their patients.

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"A super important problem with both great social and business value! Very clear and clean tech deck. It seems there are bugs around data input. I would suggest making the software more intelligent by leveraging LLM agents to handle interactions with human users. "


Qingyun Wu

"This is a great idea and I think there is a lack of applications that display hospital results in a easy to understand manner for patients. I noticed a few bugs related to inputting data to the form fields. But, the concept is cool and I see many ways you could build upon it, by allowing user's / patients to probe further into their results by asking questions. With the profit margin, it would be nice to see a breakdown of how you come up with that number of 25-35%. It would also be useful to understand where your benchmarks for the accuracy metrics come from."


Joel Pendleton


"Overall great job! Loved the product and your mission. Application of technology Software is clean, onboarding was smooth. Here are some bugs that I encountered: - Had trouble uploading a scan (had to do it 3 times) - Bug with typing names in input fields - I uploaded an image of a broken bone. It gave me - Got an error while generating a report. Feedback on the business case/presentation: 1) My feedback as a startup founder: I would be super clear on what the problem is and how are you solving it. I would pick one problem and solve it really well. For example: Are you helping provide better software for radiologists to generate reports? Are you helping radiologists diagnose reports? Each one has a lot of use-cases but if you want to succeed you have to solve one problem first. 2) So far your software is able to utilize AI to suggest a diagnosis. However, it's not clear on how it is helping reduce the amount of non-communicative diseases. Mission/impact: From everything you shared it seems that this is a very big problem that needs to be solved. If this something that you want to pursue full-time, I would definitely suggest starting with solving one problem at a time. That way you know that you're helping and that your software actually provides value. Great job guys!"


Aibek Yegemberdin