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AgentOps is a comprehensive platform designed for monitoring, debugging, and optimizing AI agents in both development and production environments. It provides advanced tools such as session replays, metrics dashboards, and custom reporting, enabling developers to track the performance, cost, and interactions of their AI agents in real-time.

Some of the out-of-the-box integrations include:

  • CrewAI,
  • Autogen,
  • Langchain,
  • Cohere,
  • LiteLLM,
  • MultiOn.

This wide compatibility ensures seamless integration with a diverse range of AI systems and development environments.

AuthorAgentOps, Inc.
Release Date2023
Technology TypeMonitoring Tool

Key Features

  • LLM Cost Management: Track and manage the costs associated with large language models (LLMs).

  • Session Replays: Replay agent sessions to analyze interactions and identify issues.

  • Custom Reporting: Generate tailored reports to meet specific analytical needs.

  • Recursive Thought Detection: Monitor recursive thinking patterns in agents to ensure optimal performance.

  • Time Travel Debugging: Debug and audit agent behaviors at any point in their operational timeline.

  • Compliance and Security: Built-in features to ensure that agents operate within security and compliance standards.

Start Building with AgentOps

AgentOps offers developers powerful tools to enhance the monitoring and management of AI agents. With easy integration through SDKs, it provides real-time insights into the performance and behavior of agents. Developers are encouraged to explore community-built use cases and applications to unlock the full potential of AgentOps.

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AgentOps AI technology page Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with AgentOps AI technology page, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.

Luna AI - The Ultimate Personal Assistant

Luna AI - The Ultimate Personal Assistant

The Desktop Task Manager and Communication Assistant is an innovative application that revolutionizes how users interact with their digital workspace. By harnessing the power of LLaMA 3.1, a cutting-edge language model, and integrating it with's sophisticated AI agents, this tool creates a seamless bridge between voice commands and complex task execution. At its core, the application offers an intuitive voice interface, allowing users to manage their daily tasks, schedule meetings, compose emails, and manipulate documents across various Google services with simple spoken instructions. The AI interprets these natural language inputs, extracting relevant information to trigger the appropriate task agents. What sets this assistant apart is its multi-agent architecture. Each Google service (Meet, Gmail, Docs, Calendar, Drive, and Sheets) has a dedicated AI agent, enabling specialized handling of service-specific tasks. This modular approach ensures efficient and accurate execution of user requests, whether it's creating a new spreadsheet, scheduling a video call, or organizing files in Google Drive. The LLaMA 3.1 model serves as the central intelligence, processing user prompts and coordinating between agents. It can understand context, infer user intent, and even automate complex multi-step processes. For instance, a single voice command could trigger the creation of a meeting invite, generate an agenda document, and send email notifications to participants. By automating routine tasks and providing a natural, conversational interface to powerful productivity tools, this Desktop Task Manager and Communication Assistant significantly enhances workflow efficiency. It's particularly valuable for professionals who juggle multiple projects, frequent meetings, and extensive digital communication, offering a smarter way to manage their digital workload.

Multi-Agent Epidemic Simulation Tool

Multi-Agent Epidemic Simulation Tool

Introduction In an era where infectious diseases can rapidly escalate into global pandemics, the ability to make swift, data-driven policy decisions is more critical than ever. We present a groundbreaking multi-agent epidemic simulation tool designed to empower policymakers with actionable insights, enabling them to navigate the complexities of epidemic management effectively. The Problem Policymakers face significant challenges during epidemics: Complex Dynamics: Epidemics involve intricate interactions among individuals, communities, and policies, making outcomes difficult to predict. Uncertain Outcomes: Without robust predictive tools, policies may lead to unintended consequences, exacerbating the crisis. Data Overload: The abundance of fragmented data sources complicates the decision-making process. These issues can result in delayed responses, increased transmission rates, and greater societal and economic disruption. Our Solution Our simulation tool addresses these challenges by: Multi-Agent Modeling: Simulating individual behaviors and interactions to capture the nuanced spread of diseases. Policy Impact Analysis: Allowing users to model and compare the effects of various intervention strategies, such as lockdowns, vaccination campaigns, and travel restrictions. Real-Time Insights: Providing immediate feedback on potential outcomes, helping to adjust policies proactively. User-Friendly Interface: Designed for policymakers without requiring technical expertise in modeling or epidemiology.