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Together AI: Powering AI Innovation

Together AI is AI cloud platform which drives AI innovation. It contributes to open-source research, empowering developers to deploy AI models.

AuthorTogether AI
TypeAI platform

Key Features

  • Unmatched performance: Its research and developments introduce advanced efficiencies in training and inference processes which grows along with user's requirements. The Together Inference Engine has the swiftest inference stack currently available.
  • High scalability: It is a horizontally scalable platform which is delivering peak performance based on user's traffic demands.
  • Rapid integration: Integrates into existing applications with minimal setup with its easy-to-use API.
  • Topnotch support: Their expert team is there to assist users in the preparation and optimization of datasets to ensure accuracy and providing support in training personalized AI models.

Start building with Together AI's products

Dive into the possible solutions from Together AI to ensure flawless building of your app. Explore the apps created with Together AI technology showcased during hackathons and innovation challenges!

List of Together AI's products

Together Inference

Together Inference is the fastest inference stack available, delivering speeds up to 3 times faster than competitors like TGI, vLLM, or other inference APIs such as Perplexity, Anyscale, or Mosaic ML. Run leading open-source models like Llama-2 with lightning-fast performance, all at a cost 6 times lower than GPT 3.5 Turbo when using Llama2-13B.

Together Custom Models

Together Custom Models is designed to assist you in training your own advanced AI model. You can use state-of-the-art optimizations for the better performance in the Together Training stack, such as FlashAttention-2. Once completed, the model belongs to you. Also, you will be able to maintain the whole ownership of the model and deploy it wherever you want to.

Together GPU Clusters

Together AI provides top-performing computing clusters designed for training and refining purposes. Their clusters come equipped with the lightning-fast Together Training stack, ensuring seamless operation. Additionally, their AI experts team of is readily available to offer any kind of assistance. With a renewal rate higher than 95%, Together GPU Clusters ensure reliability and performance.

System Requirements

Together AI is compatible with major operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. A minimum of 4 GB of RAM is recommended for optimal performance. Complimentary is having access to a GPU can which significantly enhances performance of model training.

Together AI AI technology page Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with Together AI AI technology page, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.

Sum AI

Sum AI

Our innovative application leverages the power of Llama 3 to provide real-time summarization of meetings, ensuring that no crucial information is lost. But we don't stop there. takes it a step further by automatically sending customized email summaries to relevant participants, keeping everyone in the loop, even those who couldn't attend. Let's dive into what makes unique: First, our application of technology. We've seamlessly integrated Llama 3's advanced language model into our platform, allowing for real-time transcription and summarization. This ensures that our summaries are not just fast, but also incredibly accurate and contextually relevant. Second, the business value. In today's fast-paced work environment, time is money. saves countless hours that would otherwise be spent on manual note-taking and summary creation. It also improves team alignment and reduces miscommunication, leading to more efficient decision-making processes. Third, our originality. While there are other summarization tools out there, stands out with its real-time capabilities and automated email distribution. We've created a comprehensive solution that doesn't just summarize, but actively enhances team communication. Lastly, let's talk about the potential impact. isn't just a tool; it's a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. From small startups to large corporations, our solution can dramatically improve productivity, ensure better information retention, and facilitate smoother collaboration across teams and time zones. In conclusion, represents the future of meeting management. By harnessing the power of Llama 3, we're not just summarizing meetings; we're transforming how teams communicate, collaborate, and succeed in the digital age.



Developed a system to process student queries and classify them into one or more categories: scheduler, wellness, diet, and note maker. Based on the classification, the system generates a tailored prompt for each category. If a query falls into multiple categories, the system creates separate prompts for each relevant category and sends them to the respective agents. Each agent processes its prompt and returns an output. The system then aggregates these outputs into a single, comprehensive response, ensuring the student receives all necessary information and tasks are completed efficiently in one go. Agent Processing šŸ“… Scheduler Agent Handles calendar-related queries. Interacts directly with the Google Calendar API to manage events and schedules. Focuses on efficient API interactions without using RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation). šŸ““ Note Maker Agent Manages study notes and creates study materials. Uses RAG for generating quizzes, flashcards, and mindmaps ensuring contextually relevant content. Interacts with a dedicated note storage system for basic note management. šŸ‹ļøā€ā™‚ļø Fitness Agent This agent assists in developing personalized fitness plans tailored to your specific goals. By completing a straightforward questionnaire, users can receive expert guidance in planning, deciding, and adhering to their customized fitness regimen. Potential future integration with external fitness tracking APIs. šŸ˜Š Mood Agent This Agent provides comprehensive emotional support and mood management, offering empathetic responses, and personalized coping strategies. Users can log their current moods, and receive tailored recommendations such as breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, and physical activities. By analyzing mood data, the Mood Agent helps users understand their emotional health and offers simple actionable advice to instantly uplift their moods and help maintain a balanced and positive mindset that in turn, boosts productivity!