OpenAI GPT-4 AI technology Top Builders

Explore the top contributors showcasing the highest number of OpenAI GPT-4 AI technology app submissions within our community.

OpenAI GPT-4

GPT-4 is an OpenAI's 4th generation Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a successor of ChatGPT. It is a multimodal large language model that uses deep learning to generate human-like text and it can accept image and text as inputs. GPT-4 is OpenAI's most advanced system, producing safer and more useful responses, it hallucinates less than previous models and is a major step forward. There are two versions with context windows of 8192 and 32768 tokens, which is a significant improvement over GPT-3.5 and GPT-3. OpenAI introduced the concept of "system message" that can be given to chat-optimized versions of GPT-4 in order to set the tone and task of the response.

Relese dateMarch 14, 2023
TypeAutoregressive, Transformer, Language model


A curated list of libraries and technologies to help you build great projects with GPT-3.

  • Research Paper Open AI's GPT-4 research paper
  • Product Page GPT-4 Product description page
  • Playground Quickly create and test your GPT-4 app ideas. You need to choose Mode: 'Chat' to be able to use GPT-4

OpenAI GPT-4 AI technology Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with OpenAI GPT-4 AI technology, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.

Serena AI - Sustainable Development Goal 3

Serena AI - Sustainable Development Goal 3

SerenaAI is an advanced AI chatbot designed to promote mental health and well-being, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3: "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages." Leveraging the capabilities of the cutting-edge machine learning framework LangFlow, SerenaAI offers users a compassionate and supportive digital companion, helping to address mental health concerns, provide emotional support, and guide users towards healthier mental practices. Features Mental Health Screening and Support: Initial Assessments: Conducts preliminary assessments to understand users' mental health status. Emotional Well-being and Mindfulness: Mindfulness Exercises: Guides users through mindfulness exercises and meditation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. Self-help Resources: Provides access to articles, videos, and self-help materials to educate users about mental health. How SerenaAI Supports SDG 3 Promotes Mental Health Awareness: Raises awareness about mental health issues and reduces the stigma associated with seeking help. Accessible Support: Provides 24/7 accessible support, ensuring users can receive help anytime, anywhere. Prevents Mental Health Deterioration: Through early detection and continuous monitoring, SerenaAI helps prevent the worsening of mental health conditions. Encourages Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Guides users towards healthier mental practices and lifestyles, contributing to overall well-being. Technology Behind SerenaAI LangFlow Integration: Utilizes LangFlow's natural language processing capabilities to understand and respond to users effectively. SerenaAI is a testament to the potential of AI in supporting mental health and well-being, making significant strides towards achieving SDG 3. By offering accessible, empathetic, and effective support, SerenaAI helps users navigate their mental health journeys and promotes a healthier, more resilient global community.

YGIT-AI - Your Guide into Tech

YGIT-AI - Your Guide into Tech

YGIT-AI is a groundbreaking platform designed to democratize access to tech careers through the power of artificial intelligence. Leveraging OpenAI's model, YGIT-AI generates personalized career roadmaps tailored to each user's interests and experience level. Our platform addresses the complexity and inaccessibility of navigating tech careers, especially for underrepresented groups, by providing clear, actionable guidance and resources. Users begin by inputting their career interests and current skill levels. YGIT-AI then creates a detailed learning path, recommending relevant courses, books, project ideas, and community resources. The platform's AI-driven recommendations help users manage information overload, focusing on the most valuable and impactful resources. Key features include interactive dashboards for tracking progress, AI-powered suggestions for continuous learning, and integration with web scraping tools like BeautifulSoup4 and PDF extraction via PyMuPDF to keep our resource database current and comprehensive. The user-friendly interface, built with Streamlit, ensures an engaging and accessible experience. By connecting users with mentors and professional communities, YGIT-AI not only provides educational resources but also fosters networking and support, crucial for career advancement. Our goal is to empower aspiring tech professionals with the knowledge and connections they need to succeed, transforming the landscape of tech education and career development.