OpenAI GPT-4 AI technology Top Builders

Explore the top contributors showcasing the highest number of OpenAI GPT-4 AI technology app submissions within our community.

OpenAI GPT-4

GPT-4 is an OpenAI's 4th generation Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a successor of ChatGPT. It is a multimodal large language model that uses deep learning to generate human-like text and it can accept image and text as inputs. GPT-4 is OpenAI's most advanced system, producing safer and more useful responses, it hallucinates less than previous models and is a major step forward. There are two versions with context windows of 8192 and 32768 tokens, which is a significant improvement over GPT-3.5 and GPT-3. OpenAI introduced the concept of "system message" that can be given to chat-optimized versions of GPT-4 in order to set the tone and task of the response.

Relese dateMarch 14, 2023
TypeAutoregressive, Transformer, Language model


A curated list of libraries and technologies to help you build great projects with GPT-3.

  • Research Paper Open AI's GPT-4 research paper
  • Product Page GPT-4 Product description page
  • Playground Quickly create and test your GPT-4 app ideas. You need to choose Mode: 'Chat' to be able to use GPT-4

OpenAI GPT-4 AI technology Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with OpenAI GPT-4 AI technology, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.



Eight-year-old Ahmed stands quietly as his mother showers him with kisses and enveloping hugs, her eyes filled with a mix of love and concern. As she pulls him closer, hoping to see a warm smile or hear a giggle of comfort, Ahmed remains expressionless, trapped in his own world where emotions don't follow the usual patterns. His mother's heart sinks a little—does her little boy not feel the love she’s pouring out? Ahmed, grappling with alexithymia, finds it just as puzzling; he feels something stir within but can't quite grasp or express it. It's a silent struggle, confusing and isolating for both, as they stand on either side of an emotional divide, searching for a bridge.This is where Mehsoosment comes in. Mehsoosment creatively combines advanced AI technologies with the pressing need for improved emotional support and understanding. By transforming conventional processes of emotion recognition and management, the application offers a novel solution to address the challenges faced by individuals with alexithymia and autism spectrum disorder. Through its user-friendly interface and interactive features, Mehsoosment aims to empower users to better navigate their emotions and enhance their overall quality of life. We employ a sophisticated ML model to discern facial expressions from video input, tracking each emotion's occurrence. Simultaneously, GPT-40 processes both audio and video in real-time, extracting user emotions. These outputs are then merged using GPT-40 to predict a comprehensive emotional state, tailored to aid individuals with alexithymia. One of our main challenges lies in the hardware aspect of Mehsoosment, particularly in the production cost of Mehsoosment's spectacles. To overcome this obstacle, we intend to explore cost-effective manufacturing solutions and seek partnerships with suppliers to streamline production processes.

System for Financial Analysis with ChatGPT 4o

System for Financial Analysis with ChatGPT 4o

Empowering Financial Analysis with GPT-4.0: In the ever-evolving realm of finance, staying ahead demands innovative tools and strategies. Our system, driven by GPT-4.0, represents a transformative leap in financial analysis. Anchored in a sophisticated multi-agent architecture, comprising specialized entities like the Data Analyst, Trading Strategy, Trading Advisor, Risk Management, and GPT-4.0 Manager, it offers a holistic approach to understanding and navigating financial markets. At its core, GPT-4.0 serves as the orchestrator, facilitating seamless communication and coordination among agents. This enables real-time market analysis, trend identification, dynamic strategy formulation, optimal trade execution planning, risk assessment, and task delegation, all crucial facets of effective financial decision-making. Our technical implementation strategy is meticulously designed, leveraging Python for scripting, Jupyter Notebooks for interactive exploration, financial data APIs for real-time access, and machine learning libraries for predictive analytics. Despite challenges like ensuring data quality and managing real-time processing demands, our system excels, delivering precise insights and empowering users with informed decision-making capabilities. Looking forward, our vision is expansive. We aim to broaden the scope of our system to encompass diverse financial markets and asset classes, leveraging advanced machine learning models to enhance predictive accuracy further. Additionally, we are committed to enhancing the user experience by refining the interface, making it more intuitive and accessible to users of all skill levels. In conclusion, our system represents a paradigm shift in financial analysis, offering unparalleled capabilities driven by GPT-4.0. As we continue to innovate and evolve, we are poised to empower businesses and investors with actionable insights and strategic foresight, enabling them to thrive in an increasingly complex financial landscape.