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Upstage is a leading AI technology company based in South Korea focused on advancing the capabilities of AI models to enhance business operations. Founded with a mission to achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) for work, Upstage develops cutting-edge AI solutions that cater to various business needs. The company's two flagship products are Solar LLM and Document AI.

Release DateOctober 2020


Solar LLM

Solar LLM is a high-performance large language model designed for a variety of applications. Built on a foundation that includes a 32-layer architecture derived from LLaMA 2 and pre-trained with Mistral 7B weights, Solar LLM is known for its efficiency and multilingual capabilities, particularly excelling in English, Korean, and Japanese. The model employs a unique depth up-scaling (DUS) technique, making it compact yet powerful enough to outperform other models, even rivaling GPT-4 in specific domains. Solar LLM is particularly suitable for businesses looking to implement reliable and efficient AI solutions, as it integrates seamlessly with tools like Amazon SageMaker for rapid deployment.

Document AI

Document AI is another core product from Upstage, focused on transforming unstructured documents into structured data that AI systems can easily interpret. This product includes advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Layout Analysis tools, enabling businesses to extract and organize information from complex documents, including tables and figures. Document AI ensures that the data fed into AI models is of high quality, significantly improving the accuracy and reliability of AI-driven decisions. It is particularly useful in preparing data for integration with models like Solar LLM, making it a crucial tool for businesses that need to process large volumes of documents efficiently.

Key Features

  • High-Performance AI Models: Upstage’s Solar LLM is a compact, multilingual model that competes with larger models like GPT-4. It uses innovative depth up-scaling (DUS) for superior efficiency and accuracy​.

  • Document AI: This toolset offers advanced OCR and Layout Analysis to transform unstructured documents into structured data, optimizing AI processing​.

  • Cloud Integration: Upstage’s AI solutions integrate seamlessly with platforms like Amazon SageMaker, enabling easy deployment and scalability​.

  • Industry Recognition: Solar LLM ranks highly on AI leaderboards, showcasing Upstage's competitive edge​.

  • Continuous Innovation: Upstage focuses on improving AI reliability with features like Groundedness Check, reducing errors and enhancing output quality​.

Start Building with Upstage

Upstage empowers businesses to leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to enhance their operations and decision-making processes. With its easy-to-integrate solutions, companies can deploy their flagship model Solar LLM and utilize advanced document processing tools to automate workflows. Whether you are looking to build custom AI solutions or integrate pre-built models, Upstage offers the flexibility and scalability you need. Explore community-built use cases and applications to unlock the full potential of Upstage’s AI technologies.

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