1 year of experience
I am a dynamic pediatrician, who possess expertise in data science, and has gained valuable experience in pharmacovigilance and medical writing while working as a medical manager. I am passionate about leveraging data science and machine learning to revolutionize healthcare and medicine, bridging the gap in-between, and driven to make a meaningful impact in the world through innovative solutions and be part of shaping the future of technology. My experience as a pediatrician working with children has sparked my imagination and creativity, leading me to explore the application of automation and digitalization in the context of medical or pharmaceutical companies. My ability to adapt my writing style to various audiences allows me to partner with multiple departments, including business department, while staying up-to-date with the latest medical advancements. Regularly, I take pleasure in volunteering and engaging in brainstorming activities where I judge technology competitions and mentor innovative projects. Additionally, I frequently attend technology meetups. Well, there is a real person behind this profile, enthusiastic, challenger, and creative problem-solver, who enjoy swimming, enjoy reading books about personal development and practice meditation.
Vi-chat is an innovative AI assistant aimed at helping mothers connect with their autistic children by converting their voice into images easily understood by autistic children as they are have difficulty processing spoken language but prefer pictures. we used openai model with their whisper and dall beta embedded to transform voice into images. this solution is never offered before to autistic children but it will help them communicate and boost their learning process. we plan to make this app go both ways from voice to image and from image to voice in near future and make it customized to every child and his preferences. We are very proud and honored to help autistic children and their mothers get connected together
14 Mar 2023
Our team is developing a chatbot named CareBot, which aims to provide aftercare solutions to patients and establish a seamless connection between doctors and patients. Our goal is to offer 24/7 personalized solutions to patients by leveraging the power of chatbot technology. CareBot will enable doctors to provide professional documentation that is customized to each patient's unique needs, enabling patients to receive tailored advice and guidance related to their condition, medication, and treatment plan. Additionally, CareBot will analyze patients' behavior and provide valuable feedback to doctors regarding their conversations with patients, allowing them to better understand patients' needs and concerns. We believe that CareBot will be a game-changer in the healthcare industry, helping patients to manage their health conditions more effectively while facilitating communication between patients and healthcare providers.
7 Apr 2023