OpenAI ChatGPT AI technology Top Builders

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OpenAI ChatGPT

The ChatGPT model has been trained on a vast amount of text data, including conversations and other types of human-generated text, which allows it to generate text that is similar in style and content to human conversation. ChatGPT can be used to generate responses to questions, code, make suggestions, or provide information in a conversational manner, and it is able to do so in a way that is often indistinguishable from human-generated text. The initial model has been trained using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), using methods similar to InstructGPT, but with slight differences in the data collection setup. The model is trained using supervised fine-tuning, where human AI trainers provided conversations in which they played both sidesβ€”the user and an AI assistant. The trainers would have had access to model-written suggestions to help them compose their responses.

Relese dateNovember 30, 2022
API DocumentationChatGPT API
TypeAutoregressive, Transformer, Language model

Start building with ChatGPT

GPT-3 have a rich ecosystem of libraries and resources to help you get started. We have collected the best GPT-3 libraries and resources to help you get started to build with GPT-3 today. To see what others are building with GPT-3, check out the community built GPT-3 Use Cases and Applications.

All important links about ChatGPT in one place

ChatGPT Boilerplates

Boilerplates to help you get started" id="boilerplates

ChatGPT API libraries and connectors

The ChatGPT API endpoint provides a convenient way to incorporate advanced language understanding into your applications.

OpenAI ChatGPT AI technology Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with OpenAI ChatGPT AI technology, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.

Interview Builder

Interview Builder

Interview Builder revolutionizes career preparation and document customization. Using the LangFlow interface, it analyzes job advertisements against user resumes to create job summaries, resume rubrics, personalized interview training programs, updated resumes, and tailored cover letters. This tool aims to streamline the job application process with strategic, personalized AI guidance. Features: Job Ad Summarization: Function: Extracts key information and requirements from job ads. Benefit: Provides concise summaries to help users quickly understand roles and identify critical skills. Resume Creation and Updating: Function: Compares resumes to job descriptions to identify strengths and improvements. Benefit: Suggests modifications to align skills with job requirements, enhancing resume relevance. Interview Training Programs: Function: Designs personalized training programs with practice questions and tips. Benefit: Helps users prepare effectively and boost interview confidence. Cover Letter Creation: Function: Assists in crafting tailored cover letters that highlight qualifications. Benefit: Ensures alignment with job descriptions and strengthens candidacy. Business Benefits: Efficiency: Saves time by providing concise job summaries and tailored documents. Personalization: Offers guidance to create standout applications. Preparedness: Equips users with strategies for successful interviews. Conclusion: Interview Builder enhances the job application process by providing strategic, personalized advice. It saves time and significantly increases the chances of securing job offers. Participants in the hackathon will contribute to a project with the potential to impact job seekers' success rates in a competitive market.



1. Optimised Prompt based on User's reuirement with simplicity and precision. User are asked to fill the answer based on the default questions like goals , interest and challenges faced, based on the mentioned criteria. Solution: It will be a prompt that gets generated along with the solution that is provided based on the tailored prompt. 2. In built AI application for Brainstorming - The AI will directly interact based on the prompt, it will be more refined and video link is also added. 3. Providing additional features like youtube links that are related to the topic of discussion - For every prompt answered, there will be a youtube link. Why you ask? We understood the Customer pain point where we felt that for certain propts for example: cooking having a video along with the videos would really help the customers to work on this with ease and confidence. 4. How does this bring value as a product and business: a) As a product - To provide an assistance for any kind of AI tools: as AI is available, but the instructions required to prompt the AI is not available. This is where Volund comes in. Avoiding reprtition prompts and instructions saving time and effort with additional links always helps in providing a good experience. b) As a business - We are able to include a large number of potential users that have not been included and building AI.With a growing market in AI, the dependency on right prompt with becomes very important to understand the intention of the user who is looking for solutions.