1 year of experience
I am Vashistha Pandya Currently pursuing B-tech in CSE (Specialization in AI) at Parul Institute Of Technology Introduction- I am Vashistha Pandya I've always have had interest in Robotics and how the robots work and recently I've been exploring the massive field of Artificial Intelligence and it's subsections and thus I've planned to do masters in AI and thus create a successful career in this field. Skills- Advanced -> C++, Python, R, IOT, Intermediate -> TensorFlow , Machine Vision, Natural Language Processing, CSS Basic -> JS, Java, Neural network
This project is for kids.It uses NLP to Generate stories,Analyze mood and topics of a diary entry and generate python code from English instructions.
Whisper ASR is a speech recognition model that can convert speech input to text. TTS (Text-to-Speech) is a technology that can convert text to speech. GPT 3.5 turbo is a language model that can generate human-like text. By using these models together, it is possible to create an AI voice assistant that can understand spoken input, generate a response in natural language, and then convert that response to speech. Here's how the process would work: The user speaks into a microphone, and the speech is captured as an audio file. The audio file is passed to the Whisper ASR model, which converts the speech to text. The text is then passed to the GPT 3.5 turbo language model, which generates a response. The response generated by GPT is then passed to the TTS model, which converts the text to speech. The resulting speech is played back to the user through the speakers or headphones. Overall, this process allows for a natural, conversational interaction between the user and the AI assistant. The user can speak to the AI in the same way they would speak to another person, and the AI can respond in a way that is both accurate and human-like.
Large language models (LLMs) are emerging as a transformative technology, enabling developers to build applications that they previously could not. We have used Cohere.ai developed models to create a web application using stramlit library for many known script generations like movie script, song lyrics, story generation, poem generation, blog post generation In our current situation we offer a unique platform for creative expression with three distinct functions: writing poems, stories, and posts. It provides users with a convenient and user-friendly interface to unleash their imagination and bring their creative ideas to life. β