Weaviate AI technology page Top Builders

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Weaviate is an open-source vector database that enables you to store data objects and vector embeddings from your preferred ML models. Moreover, it offers smooth scalability for handling billions of data objects.

TypeVector Database

Weaviate - Helpful Resources

Explore Weaviate resources to better understand and utilize Weaviate, the AI native vector database, effectively in your projects.

  • Weaviate Documentation Comprehensive documentation for Weaviate
  • Weaviate Quickstart In this quickstart guide, you'll discover how to build a vector database using Weaviate Cloud Services (WCS), import data, and conduct vector search.
  • WCS - Weaviate SaaS Connect to the Weaviate Cloud Services or to a local Weaviate (Keep in mind that Weaviate can also be utilized locally with Docker).

Delve into Weaviate's similarity search to quickly and accurately identify closely related data within your vector database.


Weaviate AI technology page Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with Weaviate AI technology page, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.



BYTE: Your Pocket-Sized Nutritionist BYTE is a mobile app designed to be your personalized guide to healthy eating. It empowers you to make informed dietary decisions with features like: Scan Anything: Analyze food labels with your camera for detailed nutritional breakdowns. AI-powered Chatbot: Ask questions about food and get personalized advice based on your health profile. Multilingual Support: Get dietary guidance in multiple languages for a more inclusive experience. Find Alternatives: Discover suitable substitutes for foods that don't fit your dietary needs. Vibrant Community: Connect with others who share similar dietary restrictions and exchange tips. Built with Cutting-Edge Technology: BYTE leverages Google Cloud technologies and advanced AI models to deliver accurate and personalized results. Secure Data Management: Your health information is securely stored in Google Cloud Firestore. Advanced Image Recognition: Analyze food labels with BYTE's powerful image recognition capabilities. Personalized Chatbot: Cohere's AI models power the chatbot to understand your questions and provide tailored dietary advice. Multilingual Support: Google Translate ensures clear communication regardless of your language. Designed for Your Convenience: BYTE's user-friendly interface makes navigating your dietary needs effortless. Simple Form: Easily share your dietary restrictions and preferences for personalized recommendations. Profile Management: Manage your information, upload documents, and control your app settings. Favorites List: Save your preferred food items and recipes for easy access. Real-Time Updates: Enjoy seamless and responsive interactions within the app. Join the BYTE Community: BYTE goes beyond just an app; it's a supportive community for individuals with diverse dietary needs. Connect and Share: Engage in discussions, share experiences, & learn from others. Find Support: Feel empowered and motivated on your health journey with a supportive community.