AI21 Labs Hackathon Wrap-Up

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 by Olesia
AI21 Labs Hackathon Wrap-Up

Together with AI21 Labs, hosted a 10-day virtual hackathon from June 28 - July 7, bringing together 2000+ participants globally to build AI applications using AI21's state-of-the-art large language models.

The Challenge: Integrating AI into Digital Platforms

The hackathon challenged teams to leverage AI21's APIs to develop plugins that integrate AI capabilities into existing platforms like Chrome, Shopify, Slack etc. The goal was to demonstrate practical AI applications that enhance user experience and productivity.

25 Exciting AI Solutions Emerge

The hackathon resulted in 25 AI-powered solutions built by 147 teams. The applications spanned diverse domains including writing, analytics, accessibility, education, customer service and more.

Top 3 Winning Projects

a team at the AI hackathon

FusionLabs Plugin - Unlocking AI for No-Code

The FusionLabs Bubble Plugin enables no-code builders to integrate AI21 text functions like summarization and paraphrasing into their Bubble apps. This provides easy access to advanced NLP for non-technical entrepreneurs.

The versatile plugin won the $3500 top prize for its potential to revolutionize development for Bubble's huge no-code community.

Magpie AI - AI-Powered Text Summarization

Magpie AI took second place for their plugin that summarizes lengthy articles into key takeaways delivered via an engaging voice interface. This helps professionals efficiently consume content.

AI21 No-Code Integration

The AI21 No-Code integrates AI21's advanced language capabilities with two leading no-code/low-code tools, Zapier and Make. It empowers 'citizen developers' of all coding levels to leverage AI21's cutting-edge language models for various tasks.

SQLGenius - Natural Language to Query Databases

SQLGenius won third place for their virtual assistant that lets executives query databases using plain English. It converts requests to SQL, retrieves results, and returns them in reader-friendly summaries.

Unlocking Innovation Through Collaboration

a team at the AI hackathon

The hackathon enabled great peer learning and teamwork. Developers, designers and domain experts came together, exchanged ideas, and supported each other in building novel solutions.

AI for Social Good

Many projects focused on using AI for positive impact - improving mental health, advancing education, making information more accessible etc. The hackathon highlighted AI's immense potential as a force for good.

The Road Ahead: Democratizing AI

a photo of two laptops at the AI hackathon

Initiatives like hackathons and community building are key for cultivating a participatory, socially responsible culture around AI development.

The creative applications built during this hackathon prove that innovation thrives when people collaborate towards a shared goal. As AI progresses, the path forward must be collective and inclusive.

Join next AI Hackathon to create your AI-powered project at!

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