7 years of experience
Our app is an IFrame available inside the AI Assistant on boards Header. It aims to ease most of the daily monday.com actions thanks to AI Tools such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, Apryse's automated-table-detection-extraction and Google's speech-to-text APIs. It contains 5 main features : 1/ Manage boards structure (columns, groups, titles) 2/ Manage Items content (column values, creation/deletion, move between boards) 3/ Text extraction from monday.com board 4/ Visual extraction from monday.com board 5/ Scan PDF/Pictures and more to retrieve list of data to import inside your board thanks to a dynamic mapping All of those features works with prompts that the user can write and send then our app will process it, send it to relevant AI API and process their reponse in order to make the right actions on monday.com As for the hackathon itself we mainly focused on the board structure management one, but the final version would be really handy between all the available features and the voice command instead of prompt
23 Jun 2023