ArchViz Project Managemenet Chart Generator

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Created by team Quantum Codebreakers on July 19, 2024

Struggling to visualize your project schedule? This innovative tool powered by large language models (LLMs) streamlines the process. Simply describe your project scenario through a chat interface, and the AI will generate both Gantt and PERT charts using LLM for TogetherAI's Llama 3 and codeLLama. The magic lies in structured outputs. Pydantic models translate your chat into a structured format, allowing Python visualization libraries like Matplotlib, Graphiz, and Plotly to create clear and informative charts. On top of that, you can download the charts as images for easy sharing and reference. But it doesn't stop there! This tool empowers you to edit the generated charts directly within the interface. Just provide prompts describing the changes you want, and the AI will adjust the charts accordingly. This real-time editing capability ensures your project plans stay aligned with your evolving needs. Whether you're a seasoned project manager or just starting out, this LLM-powered tool offers a unique and intuitive way to create, visualize, and refine your project schedules.

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