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Meta Llama 3: Empowering AI Innovation

Explore Meta Llama 3, the next generation of state-of-the-art open-source large language models, offering groundbreaking features and enhanced performance.

AuthorMeta Llama 3

Key Features

  • State-of-the-Art Performance: Meta Llama 3 introduces new 8B and 70B parameter models, establishing a new state-of-the-art for large language models at those scales.
  • Model Architecture: Meta Llama 3 adopts a relatively standard decoder-only transformer architecture, with several key improvements over previous versions, including a tokenizer with a vocabulary of 128K tokens for more efficient language encoding.
  • Training Data: Meta Llama 3 is pretrained on over 15T tokens collected from publicly available sources, ensuring high-quality training data for optimal model performance.
  • Scaling Up Pretraining: Efforts have been made to scale up pretraining in Meta Llama 3 models, with detailed scaling laws developed for downstream benchmark evaluations.
  • Instruction Fine-Tuning: Meta Llama 3 innovates on instruction fine-tuning approaches to fully unlock the potential of pretrained models in chat use cases.

Start building with Meta Llama 3's products

Discover the capabilities of Meta Llama 3 and unlock new possibilities in AI development. Dive into our offerings and experience the power of cutting-edge language models at your fingertips.

List of Meta Llama 3's products

Llama 3 Models

Meta Llama 3 models are available on various cloud platforms, including AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, offering unparalleled performance and scalability. With support from leading hardware platforms, Meta Llama 3 sets a new standard for large language models.

Trust and Safety Tools

We are committed to developing Meta Llama 3 responsibly and offer a range of trust and safety tools, including Llama Guard 2, Code Shield, and CyberSec Eval 2, to ensure responsible usage of our models.

Meta AI Assistant

Built with Llama 3 technology, Meta AI is one of the world's leading AI assistants, offering intelligence augmentation and productivity enhancement across various tasks. Try Meta AI today and experience the future of AI assistance.

System Requirements

Meta Llama 3 8B and 70B models represent the beginning of a series of releases, with plans for models exceeding 400B parameters and new capabilities such as multimodality and multilingual conversation support. Stay tuned for detailed research papers and further advancements in Meta Llama 3 technology.

Llama 3 AI technology page Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with Llama 3 AI technology page, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.



Mail-Dolphin is a revolutionary email management service designed to empower individuals and organizations to achieve new levels of efficiency and productivity. We understand the challenges associated with traditional email platforms – overflowing inboxes, time-consuming organization, and difficulty managing critical communication. Mail-Dolphin tackles these issues head-on, offering a comprehensive suite of features to streamline your email workflow. Integration: Mail Dolphin integrates seamlessly with your existing email providers. This means no need to switch platforms or learn a new system – just activate Mail Dolphin and watch it work its magic within your familiar email environment. Automated Responses: Save time by eliminating the need to respond to repetitive emails individually. Craft custom autoresponders to manage common inquiries or provide immediate out-of-office notifications. Mail Dolphin analyzes the content of each incoming email and tailors your response accordingly. No more generic, one-size-fits-all replies! Customization: Mail-Dolphin's automation engine is fully customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs and preferences. Fine-tune Mail Dolphin's replies to match your communication style. Want a formal tone for business emails and a friendly one for personal messages? Mail Dolphin gives you complete control. Smart Filtering and Organization: Mail Dolphin analyzes incoming emails based on sender and intent. You choose which emails to receive automated responses for, ensuring important messages requiring your personal touch are always flagged for your review.



Dame KPODJI fut l'une des plus grande commerçante que le marché DANTOKPA ait connu. Du fait de sa renommée, elle craignait de se faire cambrioler chez elle, donc elle a décidé de stocker dans son magasin, toute sa trésorerie, l'équivalent d'une vingtaine de million de Franc CFA. Le drame intervient lorsqu'un après-midi, son magasin pris feu et une fois l'incendie éteinte, rien n'a pu être récupéré juste quelques pièces. Si Dame KPODJI avait fait confiance à une Banque, elle aurait eu moins de problèmes, mais malheureusement le système bancaire n'a pas été conçu pour favoriser son adhésion à elle, une personne analphabète. Ce manque de confiance de dame KPODJI est due à due à un manque de proximité entre elle et le système des banques. Ce manque n'est pas spécifique aux banques, mais à beaucoup d'institutions béninoise et dans divers domaines. Comme vous l'aurez compris, la plus part des entreprises et institutions (banque, assurance, etc.) n'arrivent pas à offrir leur service aux personnes peu instruites. Alors que cette catégorie de personnes représente 65,6% sur le plan national pour les personnes âgées de 24 ans et plus. ALƆ GƆ est né pour résoudre cette problématique en proposant une plateforme qui fournie un ensemble d'outils IA favorisant l'intégration de la commande vocale en langues locales FON, YORUBA & DENDI dans les applications que proposent les différentes entreprises et institutions du pays. Nous avons donc intégré ces différents outils IA dans une applications bancaire entièrement conçue sur le modèle de la commande vocale