Automated PDF Table Extraction: Extract tables from PDF reports using pdfplumber. Interactive Q&A: Ask questions about financial data and get AI-powered responses. Data Visualization: Visualize extracted financial metrics over multiple years. User-friendly Interface: Simple and intuitive Streamlit interface for uploading files and interacting with the data. e 5: Project Workflow Upload PDF: Users upload a PDF financial report. Extract Tables: Tables are extracted and converted into a DataFrame. Ask Questions: Users ask questions about the financial data. Get Answers: AI provides detailed answers based on the data. Visualize Data: Extracted financial data is visualized for better understanding.
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Osama Ghaffar
Data Scientist
Siddharth Agrawal
Homan Mirgolbabaee
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"great job. work more on your prompt to improve the output of your chatbot for more features and uniquity. make your pitch video to talk about your whole project. "
Walaa Nasr Elghitany
Lablab Head Judge