Quranic Knowledge AI Chatbot

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Created by team Quranic Insights on August 25, 2024

This is a Quranic Knowledge AI Chatbot designed to provide answers directly from the Quran in Arabic, followed by translations and explanations in the same language as the user's input. The chatbot also provides detailed references, including Para, Surah, and Ayah numbers, for each answer. The model is specifically designed to answer queries related to the Quran. Key features include: -Quranic Verses in Arabic: Provides the relevant Quranic verse in Arabic for each query. -Language-Specific Explanations: Delivers explanations and translations in the user's input language. -Detailed References: Includes Para, Surah, and Ayah numbers for each Quranic reference. The process of the code involves utilizing a RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) pipeline to ensure enhanced contextual accuracy. When a user inputs a query, the system retrieves relevant verses using Faiss for fast and scalable vector searches. The AI models, specifically IBM Granite and MiniLM, then generate accurate and contextually appropriate responses. The output is delivered through a Streamlit interface, which provides an interactive and user-friendly experience. Future enhancements include integrating Hadith and Sunnah, along with voice recognition capabilities.

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"Strong presentation PDF and good demo video. Use of IBM Granite model confirmed in Python/Streamlit code. May not have "business" value, but applicable to large international population. Combination of RAG and translation to different languages unique."


Tony Pearson

Software Technical Advisor

"Cool implementation, but a little more creative use would be appreciated. It feels like a chatbot that could have better features"


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor

"Great job, team Quranic. It’s a great way to use a chatbot to enhance tasks and help Arabic speakers. Good luck!"


Paulo Almeida

Grants Manager