IBM AI technology page Top Builders

Explore the top contributors showcasing the highest number of IBM AI technology page app submissions within our community.


IBM (International Business Machines Corporation), founded in 1911, is a global leader in technology and consulting. With headquarters in Armonk, New York, IBM has a rich history of pioneering advancements in computing and information technology, continually transforming industries with its innovative solutions.


Start building with IBM's products

IBM offers a wide range of innovative products and services that drive digital transformation for businesses of all sizes. From cloud computing and AI to quantum computing and blockchain, IBM's technologies empower developers and organizations to create and deploy powerful applications. Explore the possibilities with IBM's solutions and see what you can create during hackathons.

This is an enterprise AI studio that supports the entire AI lifecycle, allowing users to train, validate, tune, and deploy AI models. It includes tools for generative AI, machine learning, and foundation models like IBM Granite and third-party models from Hugging Face and Meta’s Llama 3. also offers capabilities such as the Prompt Lab for prompt engineering, Tuning Studio for model adaptation, and a Flows engine for seamless AI deployment.

This component provides a robust data store built on an open lake house architecture, supporting both on-premises and multi-cloud environments. It facilitates data engineering, data virtualization, and cost optimization for data warehouses, allowing businesses to modernize their data lakes and streamline data pipelines.


A toolkit for AI governance, ensuring transparency, accountability, and ethical AI practices throughout the AI model lifecycle. It helps manage risks, monitor model performance, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards, making AI deployments more responsible and explainable.

  • watsonx Assistant: A conversational AI application for creating chatbots and virtual agents, enhancing customer service with natural language processing.

  • watsonx Orchestrate: An automation solution that uses AI to streamline workflows and automate repetitive tasks across various business domains like HR, sales, and procurement.

  • watsonx Code Assistant: A tool to aid developers by generating code based on natural language inputs, improving productivity and reducing coding complexity.

Granite Models

Granite is IBM's flagship series of LLM foundation models based on decoder-only transformer architecture. Granite language models are trained on trusted enterprise data spanning internet, academic, code, legal and finance.

👉 Try Granite on

AI Models:

  • Granite 13b chat

  • Granite 13b instruct

  • Granite multilingual

  • Granite Japanese

Embedding Models:

The slate.125m.english.rtrvr and slate.30m.english.rtrvr models are bi-encoder sentence transformers that generate embeddings for various inputs like queries, passages, or documents. Both models are trained to maximize the cosine similarity between pairs of texts (e.g., a query and a passage), producing sentence embeddings that can be compared using cosine similarity.

IBM AI technology page Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with IBM AI technology page, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.



Granix is an innovative AI-powered project management platform that transforms how development teams work. By leveraging IBM's cutting-edge Granite AI models, Granix offers a suite of intelligent tools designed to optimize every aspect of the software development lifecycle. Key components of Granix include: Dashboard: The heart of Granix is a comprehensive dashboard that provides an at-a-glance view of project status, key metrics, and AI-generated insights. This centralized hub enables team members to quickly assess project health and make data-driven decisions. Code Structure Visualization: Granix features an interactive code structure tool that allows developers to easily navigate and understand complex project architectures. This visual representation of the codebase enhances collaboration and helps new team members quickly get up to speed. Task Management: Our intuitive task management system goes beyond simple to-do lists. Powered by AI, it helps prioritize tasks, estimates effort required, and suggests optimal task allocation based on team members' skills and workload. Project Overview: Granix provides a holistic view of multiple projects, allowing managers to efficiently oversee and coordinate various initiatives. The AI-driven insights help identify potential bottlenecks and suggest resource reallocation for optimal performance. AI Assistant: A chat-based AI helper offers instant, context-aware responses to project-related queries. This feature acts as a knowledgeable team member, providing quick answers and suggestions to keep the project moving forward. Code Assistant: Leveraging the power of IBM's Granite models, the Code Assistant provides AI-powered suggestions for coding tasks. It helps developers write better code faster, offering contextual recommendations and best practices.