Emma Mental Health

Created by team Mental Health GPT4o on June 02, 2024

Emma is a trusted mental health support companion: using AI-powered expertise and evidence-based techniques like CBT and DBT to tailor therapy sessions to users’ specific contexts and personality preferences. It helps you find the best version of yourself - address anxiety, depression, and stress with compassion and expertise. Start your journey of self-discovery and empowerment today with Emma. Select the issues you're primarily facing, and use personality sliders to design the attributes of your ideal therapist - whether it's someone more reassuring or more solutionist, whether your therapy should be more focused on your holistic wellbeing or resolving a targeted issue, whether they bring a more lighthearted or serious approach. From conversations over time, Emma learns about your thought patterns, cognitive distortions, and unhealthy behavior patterns and surfaces them to you in weekly and biweekly check-ins, helping you with better-informed self reflection. Some upcoming features include the ability to use realtime camera input so Emma can understand your environmental context and facial expressions, getting a clearer understanding of your lived experience. Emma can generate tailored support plans to improve your mental health, and in future versions also generate custom meditations that fit your needs and situations, providing in-the-moment support whenever you need it.

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"wow, great job. the app, the design, the ppt. everything is brilliantly planned. "


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Data scientist and doctor

"An amazing app and great use case for the ongoing epidemic with mental health. With some gamification of features I think this app would compete well with exisiting competitors"


Mihir Chouhan

lablab NEXT Program Manager