Comprehensive Mental Health Intake Questionnaire

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Created by team Starfield on February 23, 2024

Welcome to our Comprehensive Mental Health Intake Questionnaire. User engagement is prioritized from the beginning with a warm welcome screen, offering a concise explanation of the process. Users are encouraged to actively participate for better outcomes, setting the tone for a cooperative journey towards mental well-being. The questionnaire boasts an intuitive design, featuring screenshots that highlight the clean and user-friendly input fields. Emphasis is placed on simplicity to enhance user participation, ensuring that the process is accessible and comfortable. Basic information, including Name, Age, and Address, is collected with a clear purpose. The importance of confidentiality in handling personal details is emphasized, fostering trust between users and the mental health support system. The questionnaire is divided into sections such as Family History, Treatment, Medications, and Addiction. Each section is explained in terms of its significance in building a holistic health profile. Users are encouraged to provide honest and detailed responses, as the collected information enables the delivery of personalized care. A strong commitment to data confidentiality and security is reiterated, assuring users that their information is handled with the utmost care. A compelling call-to-action encourages users to complete the questionnaire, emphasizing its role in unlocking better mental health support tailored to individual needs. To enhance accessibility, the questionnaire is available in multiple languages, catering to a diverse user base and breaking down language barriers that may hinder mental health support. In a nod to convenience, the questionnaire introduces a Voice Form feature, providing an alternative input method for users. This innovative approach ensures that individuals with varying preferences or accessibility needs can seamlessly engage with the mental health intake process.

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"your idea is great, but i saw only Multilanguage voice translator and there were nothing about mental health. your code is not available to check. your ppt is too short and lacks many details like problem, solution, business part and others. continue working on your app"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Lablab Head Judge

"The project needs more creativity, explanation and a clear goal"


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor