Filing taxes as simple as 1-2-3 with UncleSamTax

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Created by team Give Us All Your Money on February 26, 2024

Filing taxes should be simple, especially for the 100M+ Americans who have the simple scenario of just one income source. UncleSamTax solves this by making filing taxes as simple as 1-2-3. How? We ask the user to upload the past year's forms. We then use GPT-Vision to read the info from the forms and use GPT-4 to calculate values for the next year's tax return form. And Voila! The user has a filled and prepared tax form that they submit to the government (aka UncleSam). By making doing taxes automated and simple, we are different from other complicated tax products (for every complicated tax scenario) as we are simple taxes for simple scenarios.

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"excellent ppt and great idea. "


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Lablab Head Judge

"That presentation was mind blowing and the way you guys presented it was so professional. The implementation of the project was really in depth as well. I love how you guys used tax filing information to present it as well. Great job"


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor

"Great use of portkey, GPT-4 Vision and TruLens combined for a all-in-one app regarding taxes. Well done! "


Muhammad Inaamullah

ML Engineer

"Great use of technology regarding taxes"


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor