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Created by team YourPodcast on July 31, 2023 is a tool for others to generate the podcast that they want to listen to. Using Claude, GPT3, eleven labs, and SerpAPI, we look up the user's topic on the web, ask GPT for an outline of the podcast, and use Claude and it's long context window (100K tokens) to gradually build a podcast for the user based on their search query. There are 4 modes of our podcast generator, and 3 of them are in production! The first 3 are Professional, Pretentious, and a story type. The later is an Emotional type which still runs on localhost currently for privacy reasons. In the Emotional type, we generate a back and forth emotionally charged conversation between two people.

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"The presentation is well prepared and explained. But when it comes to authenticity to the content generated, there are a few lacks as after testing the application from different perspectives, I found a few gray areas in which the news generate was either incorrect or incomplete. Revenue model could have be stated as well but at least a market analysis was done which gave me a few insights. Overall, get work and looking forward to see it grow. "


Muhammad Inaamullah

Machine Learning Engineer