ElevenLabs AI technology page Top Builders

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ElevenLabs is a voice technology research company, developing the most compelling AI speech software for publishers and creators. The goal is to instantly convert spoken audio between languages. ElevenLabs was founded in 2022 by best friends: Piotr, an ex-Google machine learning engineer, and Mati, an ex-Palantir deployment strategist. It's backed by Credo Ventures, Concept Ventures and other angel investors, founders, strategic operators and former executives from the industry.

Release date2022
TypeVoice technology research


Speech Synthesis

Speech Synthesis tool lets you convert any writing to professional audio. Powered by a deep learning model, Speech Synthesis lets you voice anything from a single sentence to a whole book in top quality, at a fraction of the time and resources traditionally involved in recording.


Design entirely new synthetic voices or clone your own voice. The generative AI model lets you create completely new voices from scratch, while the voice cloning model learns any speech profile from just a minute of audio.


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ElevenLabs AI technology page Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with ElevenLabs AI technology page, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.



Our project aims to provide users with a source of entertainment and relaxation to help them de-stress. According to the National Institutes of Health, individuals with depression might thus benefit from additional training in generating vivid imagery for positive events. Our project allows you to either upload photos manually or connect your google photos to our application and be able to scroll through them. A description of the atmosphere and the sounds in the image is generated using GPT 4o, which is then sent to the eleven labs api and the suno api, which create a short effects sound and a longer vibe song respectively, allowing you to experience you photos through music and perfectly complement the nostalgia of looking through photos. Additionally, our app has the functionality to edit your images and try out goofy transformations, whether that means picturing how the image would have been drawn by Van Gogh to seamlessly incorporating a picture of a cat on a flying horse to your images. We used a custom style transfer neural network with DALL-E to perform style transfers, and DALL-E would generate the style images that would be combined with your photo to create the styled output. As for the image editing functionalities, we built a pipeline to generate the photo with DALL-E, remove its background, and place the image in the user-specified location. Looking at photos can be nostalgic and bring up a lot of emotions, and for this reason we built a mental health chatbot with langflow that is connected to a vector database of mental health documents in astraDB that detail best practices and guidelines. Our entire app was designed with an easy to use and seamless UI in Gradio.

fAIble Bud TV - SmartTV App

fAIble Bud TV - SmartTV App

Faiblebud TV is an innovative Amazon Alexa voice-driven application designed to deliver educational and engaging content for young children. It addresses several key issues faced by modern families: 1. Purpose: • Teaches children important values and morals through AI-narrated fables. • Provides on-demand, highly personalized, and unique storytelling experiences. • Accessible on over 100 million Smart TVs and projectors equipped with Alexa. 2. Problems Solved: • Assists busy parents who lack time to read to their children. • Reduces non-educational screen time for kids. • Offers more ways for children to learn about values and morals through personalized content. 3. Team: • GoldZulu: AI and Voice Evangelist with extensive experience in startups and major tech programs. • NixieNixie00: Expert in design, video, and audio with a background in AI research. 4. Market Potential: • Enormous potential with over 100 million Alexa-equipped smart TV devices. • Engaging and addictive for children due to the personalized nature of the stories. • Proven revenue generation potential, with some Alexa Skills earning over $1 million annually. • Scalable and adaptable to various markets and languages, with potential extensions to mobile phones, speakers, and headphones. 5. Monetization: • Free tier allows access to a limited number of fables per month without saving the stories. • Subscription model following the Audible style, offering four fables per month for $2.99, with all stories saved for playback during the subscription period. • Future plans include audio submission for cloning, providing an additional revenue stream.



C'est une application qui permet non seulement de favoriser l’interaction entre les populations de langues locales et étrangères, mais aussi de préserver notre patrimoine culturel en utilisant l'intelligence artificielle. Conçue pour comporter des ressources culturelles telles que nos musiques, nos danses, nos contenus cinématographiques et l’inventaire de sites touristiques, l’une des principales fonctionnalités de « Dôkun» est le Speech to Speech avec une correspondance des langues locales entre elles ainsi que des langues locales avec celles étrangères comme le français et l’anglais. Le sous-titrage de vidéos et le mixage doublage & Sous-titrage sont également des fonctionnalités supplémentaires et ce, avec un accent particulier sur les acteurs du multimédia et les créateurs de contenus locaux. Aussi, selon le Digital Report en 2022, le nombre d’utilisateurs de réseaux sociaux au Bénin a connu une augmentation de 7.5% et faut-il le rappeler, les béninois sont les premiers consommateurs des contenus locaux. En pratique, un créateur de contenus en langues locales béninoises, n’aura qu’à importer sa vidéo au niveau de l’interface de « Dôkun». Ladite vidéo après traitement (doublage ou sous-titrage en langues étrangères) pourra être téléchargée suite à une facturation donnée. Pour pérenniser notre solution, nous envisageons nouer des partenariats avec des organismes et facturer nos services à la minute.