United Kingdom
3 years of experience
Building smarter multi-agent systems. https://www.youtube.com/@omni_georgio
We are building a Text-to-Video Human avatar generator. It is a pipeline of AI tools that works in 3 Steps: 1. Text-to-Speech (Creating a audio file from text input) 2. Text-to-Video (Creating a video from text input) 3. Text-to-Human (Using deep fake technology to make video less random and merge audio with lips of subject). This is just the beginning of AI media and the next natural steps for AI, it is better then most use cases because you have much more control of the subject who can actually interact with their environment, be trained easier and have movement which opens so many more doors in use cases then other technology out there in the same bracket. We have text-to-text, We have Text-to-video and we have text-to-video, Welcome to Text-To-Human.
AI is really easy good at answering our questions, creating videos and even creating voice models. So many ground breaking tools but they can not understand each other? We are building a AI mediator that can answer your questions and knows how to talk to translate it to other AI tools. Our first use case is a text-To-Education model where you can input a question that runs through vessel generate an answer and translate this to other Ai tools. Vessel is backbone of this new age of AI media.
Yourpodcast.xyz is a tool for others to generate the podcast that they want to listen to. Using Claude, GPT3, eleven labs, and SerpAPI, we look up the user's topic on the web, ask GPT for an outline of the podcast, and use Claude and it's long context window (100K tokens) to gradually build a podcast for the user based on their search query. There are 4 modes of our podcast generator, and 3 of them are in production! The first 3 are Professional, Pretentious, and a story type. The later is an Emotional type which still runs on localhost currently for privacy reasons. In the Emotional type, we generate a back and forth emotionally charged conversation between two people.