OrbChat - Always-On Support for your Website

Created by team Coral Explorers on November 12, 2023

Our platform enables you to create highly intelligent chatbots, tailor-made to your unique needs using your own documents and URLs. OrbChat bots are designed to provide instant, accurate responses, elevating the user experience on your website. 1. AI-Powered Responses backed by your data Utilise your existing files and website to train chatbots that understand and respond accurately to user queries. 2. Seamless Integration with your website Embed OrbChat effortlessly into your website, harmonising with your design and brand aesthetics. 3. Human Handover Capability Switch seamlessly between AI and human support to ensure complex inquiries receive the personal touch they deserve. 4. Fully Customisable Modify the look, feel, and functionality of your chatbots to match your website's unique style and requirements. 5. Invite Your Team Bring your entire team into OrbChat with unlimited seating, forever. Only pay for message credit limits and features that suit your needs.

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"very impressive work. you tackled all details needed for chatbot. excellent presentation"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Lablab Head Judge

"Wonderful solution of embedding chatbot in a couple of steps. Wonderful integration of cohere APIs. Great presentation. Couldn't have done any better. :) "


Muhammad Inaamullah

ML Engineer

"Great work, Team Orbchat! I'm really impressed with how you've simplified the integration and customization of this chatbot. I'm eagerly anticipating the innovative ideas you'll implement in the future. Best of luck!"


Paulo Almeida

co-founder of Stunning Green

"Impressive project! Polished and beneficial across industries. Amazing job!"


Roy Lim

Developer Programs