
application badge
Created by team neural nexus on May 15, 2024

The app is designed to enhance tourism in Benin by providing tools for captioning and dubbing videos in Yoruba and French. It leverages advanced speech recognition and translation technologies to ensure accurate and high-quality results, making it easier for tourists to understand local attractions and cultural events. By supporting multiple languages, the app helps bridge communication gaps, allowing a broader audience to engage with Benin's rich cultural heritage. In addition to its video captioning and dubbing capabilities, the app features an interactive chatbot powered by Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) technology. This chatbot provides detailed and accurate information about Benin's landmarks, offering insights into historical sites, cultural festivities, and popular tourist destinations. Users can ask questions, get recommendations, and receive personalized assistance, making their exploration of Benin more informative and enjoyable. The app serves as a comprehensive travel companion, combining multimedia translation tools with interactive information services. By making Benin's cultural and historical sites more accessible and understandable, the app aims to enhance the overall travel experience for tourists. Whether for individual travelers or content creators, the app provides valuable resources to promote and explore the beauty of Benin.

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"great work, this will leverage tourism. it has great business value. amazing work"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Data scientist and doctor

"Your ideas have fantastic potential to boost tourism and create significant business opportunities"


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor