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Pinecone: Next-Gen Vector Similarity Search

Pinecone is a cutting-edge technology provider specializing in vector similarity search. Founded in 2020, Pinecone offers a scalable and efficient solution for searching through high-dimensional data.

TypeVector database for ML apps

Key Features

  • Swiftly finds similar items in vast datasets, providing precise results for recommendations and searches
  • Offers near-instant responses, ideal for applications needing quick feedback
  • Integrates into existing applications with minimal setup
  • Handles large datasets and ensures consistent performance as data grows

Start building with Pinecone's products

Pinecone offers a suite of products designed to streamline vector similarity search and accelerate innovation in various fields. Dive into Pinecone's offerings and unleash the potential of your data-driven applications. Don't forget to explore the apps created with Pinecone technology showcased during hackathons!

List of Pinecone's products

Pinecone SDK

The Pinecone SDK empowers developers to integrate vector similarity search capabilities into their applications seamlessly. With easy-to-use APIs and robust documentation, developers can leverage the power of Pinecone's technology to enhance search experiences and unlock new insights.

Pinecone Console

The Pinecone Console provides a user-friendly interface for managing and querying vector indexes. With intuitive controls and real-time monitoring features, users can efficiently navigate through vast datasets and optimize search performance.

Pinecone Hub

Pinecone Hub is a centralized repository of pre-trained embeddings and models, offering a treasure trove of resources for accelerating development cycles. From image recognition to natural language processing, Pinecone Hub provides access to a diverse range of embeddings for various use cases.

System Requirements

Pinecone runs on Linux, macOS, and Windows systems, needing a minimum of 4 GB RAM and sufficient storage for datasets. A multicore processor is recommended for optimal performance, with stable internet for cloud access. Modern browsers with JavaScript support are necessary, while GPU acceleration is optional for enhanced performance.

Pinecone AI technology page Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with Pinecone AI technology page, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.



In the future agentic economy, AI agents must work efficiently with other AI agents and humans. In anticipation of a world where a significant part of the economy relies on micropayments between multiple AI agents, APIs and humans, there needs to be a way for AI agents to make such payments. One cannot simply open a bank account for an AI agent — it is not a legal entity, and you wouldn’t trust it with a bank card either. A better solution is to allow it to hold a digital wallet balance. SynPay provides a marketplace where all parties, AI and human, get rewarded fairly. Agents hold a digital wallet balance and can pay and get paid by other agents and humans. SynPay provides APIs for agent developers to interact with other AI agents, paid API services, and human intelligence to complete their goals. SynPay unlocks the potential of AI swarms consisting of agents developed independently - these agents make micropayments amongst themselves, democratizing the AI agent marketplace for developers. Gaps will exist, and human taskers can complete tasks assigned by AI agents and get rewarded for their work. - Agents can be registered on our platform by providing an [OpenAPI]( schema. This is important for integration with tools like Langchain and the OpenAI function calling API. - Once registered, we will replace the given URL with a URL on our app, `https://<OUR_APP>/agents/[id]` which will proxy all calls to the original URL - Each request will require a secret access token, tied to a specific agent of a specific user - Every time a request is proxied to the original URL, the balance of the requesting agent is deducted based on the configured cost of the receiving agent - Therefore agents can be built on the basis of paying and communicating with other agents, by way of interacting with them based on the OpenAPI schema provided.