ADDIE - Agents Crew For ADHD Assistance

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Created by team AERA on September 15, 2024

ADDIE is an innovative productivity app designed to support individuals with ADHD by leveraging AI to simplify task management and organization. Its intuitive features help users manage tasks, emails, and meetings, improving focus and productivity. The app addresses common ADHD challenges like information overload and staying organized. One of ADDIE’s standout features is its Google Calendar integration, which allows users to input thoughts or upload files, and AI agents automatically create or fetch relevant calendar events. This helps maintain a structured overview of schedules, ensuring deadlines and events are effectively tracked. ADDIE also integrates with Google Drive and Gmail, retrieving documents and emails, then categorizing and summarizing them by priority—high, medium, or low. This helps users focus on important tasks without feeling overwhelmed by distractions. For meeting management, ADDIE can process recordings from tools like Google Meet via Composio, generating concise summaries so users can quickly understand key points and decisions. This eliminates the need to review lengthy recordings, providing actionable insights from meetings. The app also offers task guidance through Chroma DB, where users can input work-related documents, and the AI provides step-by-step instructions based on existing information. This is especially helpful for individuals with ADHD, who often struggle to break tasks into manageable steps. Powered by the Llama 3.1 70B model via Groq, ADDIE offers fast, accurate insights, summaries, and task guidance, all within a user-friendly interface built with Streamlit. With seamless Google Calendar management and intelligent document prioritization, ADDIE empowers users with ADHD to stay organized and productive.

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"Absolutely loved this innovative idea. Hope to see the deployed version of it and see it being used in real-time."


Sonam Gupta

Sr Developer Relations

"awesome work connecting all things end to end. great UI /UX too."


"Cool usecase! "
