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Composio is a robust platform designed to enhance AI agents by equipping them with a wide array of tools to perform complex tasks seamlessly. Whether it's managing GitHub repositories, integrating with APIs, or automating workflows, Composio provides a versatile, scalable solution for developers. The platform offers support for over 100 tools and is compatible with major AI frameworks like OpenAI, Langchain, CrewAI, and many others. With features like managed authorization, high accuracy, and extensibility, Composio is tailored for developers looking to integrate sophisticated AI-powered functionalities into their applications.

Release DateJuly 17, 2024
Technology TypeAI Agent Integration Platform

Key Features

  • Extensive Toolset: Over 100 tools across various categories, including software, OS, browser, and search utilities.

  • Framework Compatibility: Works seamlessly with frameworks like Langchain, OpenAI, and more.

  • Managed Authorization: Simplifies authentication across multiple protocols (OAuth, API keys, etc.).

  • Accuracy: Enhanced tool accuracy, offering up to 40% better performance in AI agent tasks.

  • Extensibility: Easily add new tools, frameworks, and authorization protocols.

Start Building with Composio

Composio is a cutting-edge platform that empowers developers to integrate powerful AI agents into their applications with minimal effort. Whether you’re working with OpenAI or another major framework, Composio simplifies the process of creating intelligent workflows and automations. Dive into the documentation and explore the community-driven use cases to see how others are leveraging Composio to build innovative solutions.

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Composio AI technology page Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with Composio AI technology page, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.

Luna AI - The Ultimate Personal Assistant

Luna AI - The Ultimate Personal Assistant

The Desktop Task Manager and Communication Assistant is an innovative application that revolutionizes how users interact with their digital workspace. By harnessing the power of LLaMA 3.1, a cutting-edge language model, and integrating it with's sophisticated AI agents, this tool creates a seamless bridge between voice commands and complex task execution. At its core, the application offers an intuitive voice interface, allowing users to manage their daily tasks, schedule meetings, compose emails, and manipulate documents across various Google services with simple spoken instructions. The AI interprets these natural language inputs, extracting relevant information to trigger the appropriate task agents. What sets this assistant apart is its multi-agent architecture. Each Google service (Meet, Gmail, Docs, Calendar, Drive, and Sheets) has a dedicated AI agent, enabling specialized handling of service-specific tasks. This modular approach ensures efficient and accurate execution of user requests, whether it's creating a new spreadsheet, scheduling a video call, or organizing files in Google Drive. The LLaMA 3.1 model serves as the central intelligence, processing user prompts and coordinating between agents. It can understand context, infer user intent, and even automate complex multi-step processes. For instance, a single voice command could trigger the creation of a meeting invite, generate an agenda document, and send email notifications to participants. By automating routine tasks and providing a natural, conversational interface to powerful productivity tools, this Desktop Task Manager and Communication Assistant significantly enhances workflow efficiency. It's particularly valuable for professionals who juggle multiple projects, frequent meetings, and extensive digital communication, offering a smarter way to manage their digital workload.

Dance Agency

Dance Agency

TikTok, with over 1 billion active users, has become a vibrant hub for dance content, sparking a surge in dance challenges and routines. This boom creates opportunities for influencers but presents challenges such as limited access to personalized dance instruction and difficulties in managing content schedules and uploads. Dance Agency is designed to address these challenges with a comprehensive solution for TikTok influencers. Our platform integrates four key agents to enhance the TikTok experience: Dance Tutor Agent: Provides personalized, AI-driven dance instruction. Utilizing advanced algorithms, this agent offers real-time feedback and guidance, helping users improve their dance skills. This solution addresses the high costs and limited access associated with in-person dance classes. Event Scheduler Agent: Simplifies managing dance practice sessions, rehearsals, and performances. It helps users organize their schedules effectively, reducing conflicts and ensuring they stay on track with their commitments. Promote Agent: Optimizes video uploads and schedules to maximize reach and engagement on TikTok. It suggests optimal posting times, video descriptions, and tags, enhancing content visibility and attracting a larger audience. Chat Bot Agent: Provides real-time support, answering questions and offering tips on using the platform's features. It ensures users can fully utilize Dance Agency’s capabilities. Dance Agency employs advanced technologies such as Composio,, Llama 3.1, and OpenAI. Composio supports efficient function calling and API integrations, provides scalable AI infrastructure, while Llama 3.1 and OpenAI contribute advanced AI capabilities for personalized training and content optimization. By integrating these features, Dance Agency offers a holistic approach to dance learning, content management, and social media promotion, helping TikTok influencers overcome barriers and effectively grow their presence.