GPT-4 Powered App Creation and Evals Hackathon Recap

Friday, March 29, 2024 by Katya
GPT-4 Powered App Creation and Evals Hackathon Recap

The GPT-4 and Truera Hackathon recently wrapped up, showcasing a wave of fresh and innovative ideas in the AI space. With over two thousand expressing interest and 1604 participants forming 302 teams, the event was a hub of building innovation. A total of 56 AI applications were developed, making use of TruLens-Eval to refine and improve their creations, highlighting the endless possibilities and the power of teamwork in the world of AI.

Hackathon Challenges and Opportunities

Participants created AI-based apps using at least one OpenAI model, driving innovation in practical solutions. The event offered a platform to refine app performance with TruLens-Eval, aiming for innovative, effective, and user-friendly outcomes.

Prizes for the Cohere Coral Hackathon Winners šŸŽ

The event offered attractive cash prizes and credits by esteemed partner, Portkey.

  • šŸ„‡ 1st Place: Received a whopping $1,200 in cash and an additional $1,200 in Portkey Credits.
  • šŸ„ˆ 2nd Place: Was awarded $800 in cash plus $800 in Portkey Credits.
  • šŸ„‰ 3rd Place: Took home $500 in cash and $500 in Portkey Credits.

The Hackathon Winners šŸ†

The competition was intense, but three projects stood out for innovative approaches and impactful solutions:

  1. CogniSmile:: This project enables kids to create stories and artwork, which the AI then brings to life with narration, images, and quizzes. It's a fun and interactive tool for learning and development.
  2. Concious Click: Aiming to combat internet addiction, this AI assistant offers a customizable 30-day coaching and planning program, complemented by a browser extension that regulates content access according to the developed plan.
  3. SimplyMedi-Assist: Recognizing the challenge of understanding medical reports, this application assists patients and non-medical professionals in deciphering complex medical terminology and jargon, making healthcare information more accessible.


In addition to the winners, the GPT-4 Powered App Creation and Evaluations Hackathon showcased remarkable finalists, bringing forward-thinking and user-centric solutions to common problems:

  • UncleSamTax:: Simplifying the tax filing process, UncleSamTax turns a typically complex task into a straightforward, step-by-step process. Leveraging GPT-4, it aims to make tax filing as easy as 1-2-3, appealing to users who seek a hassle-free approach to dealing with their taxes.
  • ShopAssist: This application redefines the shopping experience by acting as a virtual assistant for consumers. ShopAssist uses GPT-4 to provide personalized shopping advice, making it easier for users to find what they need online, tailored to their preferences and requirements.

Partners and Technologies šŸ¤

A heartfelt shoutout to Portkey, Pinecone, and especially Truera, for their crucial contributions to the GPT-4 Powered App Creation and Evaluations Hackathon. Their support played a vital role in the event's triumph.

  • Truera, our main partner, was instrumental in offering tools for model evaluation and analysis, ensuring that participants could develop, test, and polish their AI applications with precision.
  • Pinecone provided essential data management technologies, allowing for advanced data analysis and application refinement.
  • Portkey boosted the participant experience and awarded credits to winners, aiding in the progression and expansion of their innovative projects.


The GPT-4 Powered App Creation and Evals Hackathon emerged as a standout event, showcasing AI's vast potential to address real-world challenges and improve everyday life. It united a vibrant community of technologists, all eager to shape the future with innovative solutions. This hackathon highlighted how collaboration, supported by partners like Portkey and Pinecone, is essential in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI. Reflecting on this event's success, we see an endless frontier of AI innovation ahead, promising even more exciting discoveries and developments in the tech landscape.šŸŒŸšŸ