In a post truth world, the ability to quickly fact check any information against the available official public records and statements is a superpower that can hold public figures accountable, make gaslighting the public during election time more difficult and save democracies.It takes no time to utter falsities but it takes a significant amount of time and research to fact check it. Majority of a journalistās time goes into research, not in actual writing of articles. also cuts down distractions and time required to do research on public figures and reduces the entry barrier for political journalism and fact checking. The sweet spot between ChatGPT and Google covering both their limitations.
24 Feb 2023
The world is rapidly moving towards digitization, but millions of schools in underserved or remote regions remain disconnected from the internet. This lack of connectivity limits students' access to information, opportunities, and choices, creating a significant divide in global education equity. To bridge this gap, our team has developed an SchoolBridge that focuses on three primary objectives: 1. Connecting Schools in Underserved Regions: Leveraging advanced data analytics and machine learning, our application identifies schools lacking internet connectivity and prioritizes them based on geographical, socioeconomic, and infrastructural factors. By doing so, it ensures every student has access to online resources, digital tools, and global opportunities for growth. 2. Predicting and Raising Procurement Requirements: The application provides actionable insights for procurement planning, predicting digital infrastructure needs such as servers, routers, and internet bandwidth based on the number of students in each school. This feature simplifies infrastructure provisioning, enabling efficient and cost-effective deployment in underserved areas. 3. Optimizing Network Lifecycles: SchoolBridge enhances the efficiency and sustainability of public sector networks by streamlining their planning, operations, and maintenance. This lifecycle optimization reduces downtime, minimizes costs, and ensures long-term reliability of digital infrastructure.
26 Jan 2025