Google Model Garden AI technology Top Builders

Explore the top contributors showcasing the highest number of Google Model Garden AI technology app submissions within our community.

Google's Model Garden on Vertex AI: A Treasure Trove of ML Assets

Embark on your machine learning journey with a centralized platform to explore, uncover, and interact with an array of models from Google and its partners.

Release date2023
TypeAI Model Repository

Start building with Model Garden on Vertex AI

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Kickstart your development with a Model Garden-based boilerplate. Boilerplates are a great way to headstart when building your next project with Model Garden on Vertex AI.

Google Model Garden AI technology Hackathon projects

Discover innovative solutions crafted with Google Model Garden AI technology, developed by our community members during our engaging hackathons.

GAMAN Open Science Project Marketplace LLM

GAMAN Open Science Project Marketplace LLM

This project was inspired by our experiences in NASA Hackathon Space Apps Challenges 2023. We want to upgrade this project with Vertex AI & TruLens. Also, we aim to expand NASA Open Science project database into LLM. We want to create a marketplace for project creators (such as: enterprises, universities, government agencies, etc) to find contributors (such as: researchers, scientists, students, professionals, etc) who match with all skills & expertise required in the project. Also, we build a marketplace for contributors to find open science jobs. In this web app, we create open science project marketplace which has some features as follows: (1) NASA SEARCH ENGINE - AI CHATTING BOT (2) NASA SUGGESTION SYSTEM / RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM (3) NASA COMMUNICATION TOOLS. (4) TRULENS STREAMLIT TO EVALUATE LLM. With all those features, we are hoping that all interactions between project creators and contributor in any NASA Open Science Project will become more accessible, interactive, and fun. In addition, this web app will make NASA Open Data become easier to find and more organized. With all those features, we are hoping that all interactions between project creators and contributor in any NASA Open Science Project will become more accessible, interactive, and fun. In addition, this web app will make NASA Open Data become easier to find and more organized. Feel free to check the demo and presentation altogether in my Canva page

Remote-how AI II

Remote-how AI II

Remote-how AI is a revolutionary tool designed to optimize the remote work experience. Born out of a need to make remote work audits more accessible and less time-consuming, our tool leverages artificial intelligence to provide comprehensive assessments of remote work readiness for individuals and teams. Previously, we conducted remote work audits for numerous clients, a service valued at $16,000. While these audits were incredibly beneficial, they were also time-consuming and not easily accessible to a wider audience. We saw an opportunity to automate this process and make it more widely available. Enter Remote-how AI. Our tool conducts a thorough evaluation of your remote work habits and setup, providing a score that reflects your readiness for remote work. But it doesn't stop there. Remote-how AI also provides personalized recommendations to enhance your remote work practices, based on your unique needs and challenges. Moreover, our tool offers industry-wide benchmarking, allowing you to compare your remote work practices with those across different industries, countries, and professions. This feature provides valuable insights into global remote work trends and helps identify areas for improvement. Available 24/7 and capable of understanding and responding in 35 languages, Remote-how AI is like having a professional mentor at your fingertips. Whether you're an individual looking to improve your remote work experience or a team seeking to optimize your remote work practices, Remote-how AI is your partner in navigating the remote work landscape.



I. Introduction A. Using a sentiment analysis AI for public relations B. Identifying hate speech and non-hate speech C. Categorizing offensive hate speech and non-hate speech D. Purpose: Helping businesses manage social media platforms and prevent disruptions II. Identifying and Categorizing Speech A. Utilizing sentiment analysis AI to replicate PR team's work Analyzing language patterns and emotions Identifying positive, negative, and neutral sentiments B. Distinguishing hate speech from non-hate speech Recognizing discriminatory or offensive content Identifying harmful intentions or targeted attacks C. Categorizing offensive hate speech Labelling content that incites violence or discrimination Identifying explicit or derogatory language D. Categorizing non-hate speech Classifying content that promotes inclusivity and positivity Recognizing constructive criticism or dissenting opinions III. Application in Social Media Management A. Assisting businesses in identifying acceptable content Determining social media guidelines and policies Establishing thresholds for hate speech detection B. Preventing mass media disruption Alerting businesses to potential controversies or backlash Prompting proactive measures to address concerns C. Combating cancel culture Helping businesses understand public sentiment Enabling timely responses and damage control strategies IV. Conclusion A. Importance of utilizing sentiment analysis AI in PR efforts B. Enhancing social media management and preventing disruptions C. Supporting businesses in navigating online environments and public opinion

Complementary Opposing Views - CON

Complementary Opposing Views - CON

News platforms are often driven by profit and incentivized to maximize user attention through echo chambers and increasingly polarizing news. This phenomenon has been observed in various media platforms, such as cable news during US elections, trending controversial videos on YouTube and TikTok, and the spread of fake news. To address these challenges, Complementary Opposing News (CON) provides readers with a diverse range of news sources and challenges them to engage with opposing views. By presenting readers with complementary opposing viewpoints, CON aims to promote critical thinking and reduce polarization. Furthermore, CON plans to leverage Google Vertex AI to make playing devil's advocate a pro-social activity for opposing viewpoints to complement each other's understanding of the world instead of tearing each other down. By using these technologies, CON aims to promote critical thinking by encouraging readers to play devil's advocate as they're exposed to opposing viewpoints in steel-manning arguments. CON aims for a more informed and less polarized society, one chrome extension download at a time. Down the road, CON hopes to become more than just an isolated chrome extension and expand internationally. By leveraging Google Vertex AI and Firebase for production-grade deployment to scale the solution to many more users and support multiple languages, reducing international conflict. Furthemore, CON is optimistic in using blockchain technologies to incentivize communities for truth-seeking and become a platform for Socratic discourse. Con's frontend is React, Typescript, Chakra UI, and backend is FastAPI and GCP. Con uses langchain and Google Vertex AI for ML models for sentiment analysis of articles and text generation and conversational assistance. CON hopes to expand the platform to offer data analysis and visualization to help users engage with a broad spectrum of opinions and determine the credibility and believability of different news.