GAMAN Open Science Project Marketplace LLM

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Created by team GAMAN on December 02, 2023

This project was inspired by our experiences in NASA Hackathon Space Apps Challenges 2023. We want to upgrade this project with Vertex AI & TruLens. Also, we aim to expand NASA Open Science project database into LLM. We want to create a marketplace for project creators (such as: enterprises, universities, government agencies, etc) to find contributors (such as: researchers, scientists, students, professionals, etc) who match with all skills & expertise required in the project. Also, we build a marketplace for contributors to find open science jobs. In this web app, we create open science project marketplace which has some features as follows: (1) NASA SEARCH ENGINE - AI CHATTING BOT (2) NASA SUGGESTION SYSTEM / RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM (3) NASA COMMUNICATION TOOLS. (4) TRULENS STREAMLIT TO EVALUATE LLM. With all those features, we are hoping that all interactions between project creators and contributor in any NASA Open Science Project will become more accessible, interactive, and fun. In addition, this web app will make NASA Open Data become easier to find and more organized. With all those features, we are hoping that all interactions between project creators and contributor in any NASA Open Science Project will become more accessible, interactive, and fun. In addition, this web app will make NASA Open Data become easier to find and more organized. Feel free to check the demo and presentation altogether in my Canva page

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