Stable Diffusion tutorial: how to create video with text prompts

Wednesday, April 12, 2023 by Marek
Stable Diffusion tutorial: how to create video with text prompts

What is Stable Diffusion Deforum?

Deforum Stable Diffusion is a version of Stable Diffusion focussing on creating videos and transitions of images created with Stable Diffusion. It is an open source and community driven tool. If you want to contribute and support the project, regardless of level of experience or field of expertise, you can reach out to developers.

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a video from text prompts to complement a music and create a music video, such as this one or this one. Everything using Stable Diffusion Deforum Google Colab notebook.

So, don’t waste more time!

Setting up the account for the first time

As previously mentioned, in this tutorial I will show you how to create a whole pipeline for Stable Diffusion Deforum video creation. We will run everything online, without needing to involve your GPU. In the future there are going to be tutorials on how to run Stable Diffusion locally, but that’s not for now. Today, learn how to do it online, for free, without any advanced equipment, where passion for art and AI and imagination is all you have.

But, in the end, what else do you need?

For this tutorial you need to have:

  • Google account and at least 6 GB space on your google drive
  • Huggingface account
  • A computer. Not anything fancy required
  • Internet access

Let’s go!

Copy Deforum on your Google Drive

Go to Deforum Stable Diffusion v0,5 and copy it on your google drive with this simple button

how to copy decorum google colab

After pushing the button we will be redirected to copied Google Colab notebook to our Google drive. Close the original one, you will never use it again :)

Running for the first time!

Right now, you have full access to Google Collab and we need to connect it to an external GPU.

how to connect to external GPU

Note, that you have some free credits for google Colab and if you run out of them you can either buy more of them or wait a day or two to get them refreshed.

Google drive wants to access your google account!

When you’re successfully connected to the NVIDIA GPU (usually it is Tesla T4, 15360 MiB, 15101 MiB), you have run the rest of the codes, but to do so, you need to give access to your Google Drive. If you want to use it, you have to grant access, but I encourage you to first read all of the terms and conditions and press the “allow” button if you truly agree with them.

google want to have access

After you accepted the access, two folders will be created on your google drive:

ai/models and ai/stablediffusion.

In ai/models folder all of your Stable Diffusion models, which you can use to generate videos will be stored and in ai/stablediffusion folder all of the output images will be stored.

files have been created

Setting up environment and python definitions

As you run those 2 codes, they are pretty straight forward. It takes a couple of minutes to connect, but that’s all it takes.

setting up environment

Select and Load Model

This one requires some action from us. As we run the code, it will ask from us our hugginface username and hugginface token. If you do so, you have to wait couple of minutes to download models, configs and more.

select and load model

We’re all set up!

Ok, all of the previous steps we will have to repeat every time we are starting our google colab (except providing hugging face’s username and tokens).

But right now we can just go and play around with the settings to have our AI generated video come to life!

We will take a closer look at the animation setting, where we set up all of the motion of the video / camera movement and other important factors.

We also need to provide prompts, so we can generate our videos from text.

Last part here will be running everything with the “run” section.

Animation settings

They might look really overwhelming at first glance, but they are not. We will go through all of the important ones and explain them, so you will have a place to start and then play with it as much as you want!

animation setting tab

If you choose the 2D animation, you will use only angle and zoom from “motion parameters settings”

If you choose 3D animation, you will also use the translation and rotation section.

Video input is for options where you want to alter your video with a Stable Diffusion model.

None option will create a single image. It’s good to use to see if the initial image fits your vision.

The videos you saw at the beginning, are created as 2D animations, so we will make it simple with 2D generation

Max frames settings means how many frames will be generated. I am always generating 24 frames per second, some people are generating 12 frames per second.

So for 10 seconds of video I would generate 240 frames.

And border sections has 2 options:

Wrap, which pulls pixels to the next image from the opposite side of the previous frame.

Replicate, which repeats the edge of the previous image and applies it to the next one.

I always use the wrap option

Motion parameters

As I previously mentioned angle and zoom are settings for 2D animations and translation, rotation and perspective flip is for 3d generation.

motion parameters

You can see some numbers from previous generations.

Settings for angle with value: 0:(0), 95:(0), 96:(0.2) means that starting with frame 0 the video will not rotate. It will not rotate until frame 95, but with frame 96 it will rotate with every frame for 0.2 degrees with every picture.

Setting for zoom value 0:(1.00), 95:(1.00), 96:(1.02) means that starting with frame 0 there will be no zoom in the video, until frame 95, but with frame 96 it will zoom with every frame by 0.02.

Default value for angle is 0, which means that if you put 0.1 or -0.1 it will rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. For Zoom default value is 1, so when you set value at 0.99 it will zoom out slowly with every frame and with 1.01 it will zoom in slowly.

Important note - first start with smaller values and see how the video changes with them and then you can go wild as you get more confident.

Also use a comma to separate every frame setting and as you set up a value to a frame use full stop. Kind of confusing, but you will get used to it.

Last two parameters in this section that are very important are noise_schedule and strength_schedule.

As with angle or zoom you can set up a different value for different frames, you can do so with noise and strength.

Noise means how much grain you want to be added to every frame. It leads to more diffusion diversity. I usually go with 0.02 or 0.03.

Strength means how you want the next frame to be different from the previous one. If you set the value to 1 it means it will be absolutely different from the previous one. 0 means it will be the same as the previous one. I usually go with 0.62.

Contrast I always keep at 1.

Rest of the animation settings

coherence settings

We can skip the 3D depth warping, as we’re doing 2D animation right now.

Also Videoinput is for video to video settings, so we don’t be getting into those details.

Interpolation is an interesting option - if you tag this option and give value 4 it means it will create every fourth image and melt all frames between them. It fastens the animation process and might give a little bit control over the video, but in the end it makes it more blurry. If you want to use this option, I would recommend value:2

And the most important option in this section is Resume Animation. If for example your animation stopped in the middle because of a system crash, lack of internet or you simply run out of credits, you can continue from the place it stopped. Just tag this option and as value put the first 12 numbers of the name of any image file created.


prompt section

So the things we want to see in our animation. Prompt engineering or the way we communicate with Stable Diffusion models (or any other LLM) are a really important part of today’s life. And I invite you to try other ways / commands / styles of communication. In the screenshot you can see some of my prompts. I prefer always to give a detailed description of what I want to see, some details about lighting or time of a day and an art style or cultural referral. I don;t like using titles of works and names of certain artists, but I saw many great generations done with name dropping.

First option is if you generate just a single image, not a whole animation (so in animation settings you have chosen the “none” option).

Second option is the one we are interested in. You always need to give the first prompt. And if you want to have a different prompt on frame 131 just type

131:”and the prompt”,

And that’s it.

However I would recommend that you test the prompts out first, and use the ones you like in the final animation. Sometimes the surprises or artifacts are really interesting, but I would recommend you to go with the effects you accepted beforehand.

Let’s create the animation already!

We’re almost there, just the last setting and you’re ready to start your adventure with Stable Diffusion models!

Last settings

load settings

I would recommend always to have the override_with_file option tagged in. That way you will always have your settings saved and you can go back to them / reuse them or share them 🙂

Image settings - if you’re going for 9:16, I would recommend 448 x 706. For vertical 706 x 448 and for square 512 x 512.

For the sampling settings - if you already chose a seed you like, put it in the seed line. If you want to have it random, go for -1.

I would recommend you to have a value of 50 / 60 steps. It is an option how many generations Defoum will make of the image before it will choose the one to show you.

Scale value I would recommend between 7 and 12.

One last touche before hitting “generate”

last settings

Yeah, I didn’t lie - in batch_name you just need to name the folder where you want all of your images to be saved and you can hit generate.

Enjoy your videos!

But It generated only images!

Sequences of images are called videos. So the last step you do after generating videos is downloading images and putting them in a video editing tool and rendering out the video. That's simple.

I always use a free tool, which gives you a lot of possibilities, which is DaVinci Resolve 18.

And that’s it. Of course you can use the code from the “create video from frames” section, but it doesn’t always work and you don’t always have full control over the video. So I skipped this step.

Last tips

Okay, but how do I know when I want to change animation for the music

It’s the human factor in the generation. For example you feel that you want to have a video moving for 10 seconds for the left, then 10 second to the right and after that moment you want it to stop turning and zoom in dynamically, because it would fit the music greatly. No problem. Just remember, that 1 second is 24 frames.

In angle just type 0:(1), 239:(1), 240(-1), 479:(-1), 480:(0)

And in zoom 0:(1), 479:(1), 480(1.03)


If you want to have first prompt run for 10 seconds and than another one take over, you have to:

In strength_schedule type 0:(0.62), 239:(0.62), 240:(1), 241:(0.62)

And in animation prompt you just put

0:”prompt 1”,

240:”prompt 2”

Easy, right?

But images are too small and low quality

That’s one of the reasons you should download them first and render them in an external tool. But this won;t fix the problem, because they are just too small and they need to be upscaled. The tool I am using for upscaling is chaiNNer, and it’s also Open Source. Just download it, download a correct model to fit your needs and then put the upscaled images in a sequence into DaVinci Resolve.

Note: upscaling requires some GPU, so for that one you need a stronger PC, or make it run through the night or a few nights if video is bigger :)

Now it’s just you, AI and imagination

a robot filmmaker

I hope this tutorial will help you unleash your creative potential. I learn everything about creating with Stable Diffusion models and Deforum from YouTube videos, reddit posts and discord. Here, you have everything in one place and with some tips and tricks how to navigate through it.

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Tag us on social media with your creations. Let creativity and the AI revolution win!

And if you can’t find a tool to create a certain thing, why not create it? Maybe during the upcoming Stable Diffusion Hackathon? Today we are building better tomorrow, so we encourage you to be a part of the solution!

And we invite you to check projects created by our community - ChatGPT applications, Cohere applications or Stable Diffusion applications.

And if you liked the videos at the beginning, feel free to put in the comment your thoughts about it.

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