Electerpreter Open-Interpreter Electron APP

Created by team Big Full Stack Gamers on October 13, 2023

Introducing our cool Electron app! It's your passport to the open-interpreter universe, designed to be hassle-free and user-friendly. Our app sets up open-interpreters automatically on any platform, so you can dive right in without tech headaches. Plus, it displays results in an easily digestible way, whether you're a pro or a newbie. But there's more to it! Our app currently supports querying GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, and we're exploring possibilities with others. Keep in mind that it's still in its infancy and might not be fully functional, but it's evolving and growing as we speak. The amount of features i have been able to add in the short ammount of time i am pleased with but i would love to develop the idea further. With the extra time i tested the linux app and got open-interpreter workin on a steamdeck

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