Webify - Enhanced Data Management with GraphRAG

Created by team Llamas in Pajamas on July 21, 2024

In today's fast-paced corporate environment, employees spend nearly 20% of their time searching for information or tracking down colleagues to assist with specific tasks, according to McKinsey & Company. This inefficiency hampers productivity and slows down decision-making processes. Webify addresses this problem by offering a revolutionary data management tool that leverages the power of GraphRAG and Llama-3. Our solution provides a user-friendly platform for visualizing and managing complex enterprise graph data. With advanced graph visualization interfaces powered by Neo4j and the integration of an multi-agent workflow for precise document query, graph analysis, and semantic search, Webify streamlines data retrieval and management at ease. The platform automatically generates concise summaries of corporate documents, reducing the time spent on information gathering and enhancing data-driven decision-making.

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