ICDPath - Your Path to Understanding Your Health

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Created by team Astres on July 14, 2024

ICDPath is an innovative AI-powered application designed to bridge the gap between complex medical information and patient understanding. Our solution offers two primary functionalities: For users with medical reports, ICDPath analyzes the document, identifying and explaining ICD codes, medical terminology and medications. Users can then engage in a QnA session to gain deeper insights into their health conditions, treatment options and potential side effects. For users without medical reports, ICDPath provides a symptom-based analysis, suggesting possible ICD codes and conditions. This feature helps users understand potential diagnoses and offers general health advice. Built using Langflow, ICDPath aims to empower users with personalized health information. Our app translates medical jargon into easily understandable language, enabling users to take control of their health journey. We're currently developing a mobile version to make this valuable tool even more accessible. ICDPath is not just a simple app, it's a personal health assistant, designed to enhance health literacy and patient empowerment.

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