
application badge
Created by team The Siblings on July 04, 2024

Our e-learning platform addresses the unique challenges faced by children with autism, like Noah. By providing tools such as emotional recognition quizzes, personalized writing feedback, and engaging storytelling with images and narration, we create a supportive and interactive learning environment. Our platform leverages AI and machine learning to tailor educational experiences to individual needs, enhancing emotional and cognitive development. Additionally, an intuitive chatbot offers instant assistance, ensuring that users can navigate and benefit from all features seamlessly. Our goal is to promote inclusivity, improve learning outcomes, and support families and educators in providing quality education for children with autism. Here is the link to our animated presentation:

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"A really helpful tool for the autistic. I see great potential for CohniPath to tailor a nurturing environment. Definitely apply to the lablab NEXT program! "


Mihir Chouhan

lablab NEXT Program Manager