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Created by team Hustle on August 26, 2024

GENIE is an innovative dataset creation tool designed to streamline the generation of synthetic datasets, particularly for fine-tuning large language models. It transforms a traditionally complex task into an accessible, user-friendly process. How It Works: User Input: Users define the structure of their dataset by specifying the required fields and corresponding data types (e.g., "Name" as a string, "Price" as an integer). Optional additional information or examples can also be provided to guide the data generation. Dataset Generation: GENIE then utilizes IBM Watson's Granite 13B Chat Model to generate the dataset. This powerful language model ensures that the data produced aligns with the specified fields and types, creating consistent and realistic rows of data ideal for model fine-tuning. AI Guardrails: A crucial feature of GENIE is its built-in AI Guardrails, powered by IBM Watson. These guardrails ensure that the generated data is safe, ethical, and free from harmful content, making GENIE particularly valuable in sensitive domains like healthcare, finance, and law. Importance and Impact: GENIE addresses a significant need in the AI and machine learning community by making high-quality synthetic data generation accessible to all. It democratizes the process, allowing developers, researchers, and enterprise teams to quickly create tailored datasets without requiring deep technical expertise or expensive resources. By simplifying the dataset creation process, GENIE accelerates AI development cycles, enabling more rapid experimentation and iteration. The integration of IBM Watson's Granite 13B Chat Model, along with robust AI Guardrails, ensures that the generated data is not only practical but also secure and compliant with ethical standards. This makes GENIE a powerful tool for advancing AI-driven innovation.

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"Excellent presentation and video. Use of IBM Granite model confirmed in Github code. Strong business value in generating synthetic data sets for a variety of applications. Originality and clever use of AI for this purpose. Well done."


Tony Pearson

Software Technical Advisor

"Cool application, a little more creativity into it would be more appreciated. Good job"


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor

"Great job, team Genie. Your solution is an excellent tool for creating mockup data to test applications. Good luck!"


Paulo Almeida

Grants Manager