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Created by team GenAIus on August 23, 2024

EduNexus is a cutting-edge AI-powered platform that brings together key academic tools into one integrated solution, offering personalized support tailored to each student’s needs. Using IBM’s advanced generative AI, EduNexus provides a range of features designed to enhance the educational experience: • Personalized Learning Materials: EduNexus customizes content based on a student’s learning style and progress, ensuring that each student receives material suited to their individual needs. • Real-Time Coding Assistance: The platform offers immediate feedback on coding tasks, helps debug code, and explains complex coding concepts, making programming easier to understand. • Document Summarization: EduNexus uses AI to create concise summaries of textbooks and academic papers, helping students grasp essential information quickly and efficiently. • Interactive Study Planning: It generates personalized study schedules that adapt as students progress, helping them manage their time and workload effectively. • Custom Study Resources: The platform creates practice exams and revision materials tailored to a student’s current knowledge and learning needs. Powered by the Granite-3b-code-base model, EduNexus uses few-shot learning to adapt dynamically, providing relevant and high-quality content with minimal input. This approach ensures a seamless and efficient learning experience. EduNexus aims to transform education by boosting student engagement and easing educators' workloads, with plans for future expansion to further enhance its impact on the global education landscape.

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"Learning assistants have been made before, but it looks pretty detailed so well done. Needed some more creative use cases"


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor