The Juris - For Lawyers

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Created by team devraftel on March 25, 2024

The Juris is the AI-driven legal assistant designed to revolutionize the way lawyers and legal professionals conduct research and tackle cases. Harnessing cutting-edge multimodal AI, The Juris gives you unmatched advantages: Lightning-Fast, Focused Research: Effortlessly search case law, statutes, and legal knowledgebases. The Juris understands complex legal language, pinpointing the most relevant information for your needs. Insightful Analysis: Go beyond mere retrieval. The Juris analyzes case law to identify arguments, precedents, and potential weaknesses – augmenting your own expertise. Drafting Assistance: Need to craft a persuasive brief or memo? The Juris aids in structuring and drafting, suggesting legal arguments supported by AI-identified sources. Multimodal Interaction: Interact with The Juris through text or voice commands for a seamless, intuitive research experience. Experience the future of legal research. The Juris empowers you to work smarter, make informed decisions, and confidently achieve successful outcomes.

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"it is great idea to use AI for lawyers. i see it depends on uploading a document and have a chat with it. but i don't see the code as you made your github repo private, also demo is not showing the whole benefit of this app. keep working on refining the idea and add some features for uniqueness and polish your ppt to show your hard work. also code is important to see how you made it. good lck"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Data scientist and doctor

"Using AI for lawyers is a fantastic concept"


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor