
application badge
Created by team F16Falcon on August 04, 2024

This project leverages Falcon LLMs for compliance, risk management, and real-time monitoring of LLM chatbots. Implementation Azure CosmosDB: Stores user info and violations. Multithreading in Flask: Enhances scalability. LRU Cache: Reduces latency for similar queries. Falcon LLM-powered Keyword Extractor: Creates a Rule Knowledge Graph (KG) from admin-uploaded PDFs, serving as an alternative to fine-tuning. Azure Blob Storage & Neo4j: Stores admin’s PDFs and the Knowledge Graph. Semantic Router: Retrieves relevant subgraphs and identifies violations. User Authentication: Clerk integrated with CosmosDB. Deployment: Frontend on Vercel, backend on PythonAnywhere. Objective Periodically updated Rules Knowledge Graph. Display rule violations, reasons, and priority levels. Support for multi-modal (image+text) query checks. Assign Risk scores based on violations. Analyze user behavior patterns. Methodology Flask Server: Multithreaded for handling requests and database queries. AI Pipeline: Rule Registration: Extracts and decomposes rules from PDFs, forms a knowledge graph, integrates external sources, and allows admin modifications. Query Processing: Degenerates user queries, retrieves relevant subgraphs, checks for rule violations, and reasons for violations. Risk Scoring Risk scores based on EU AI Act categories: Critical, High, Medium, Minimal. Analytics Admin panel displays rule violation frequency, custom timeframe violations, and user-wise analytics using Chart.js. Scope Compliance Assurance: Adherence to policies and regulations. Risk Management: Identifies and mitigates risks. Real-time Monitoring: Ensures transparency and accountability.

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"Great job, team EthiSecureAI! The compliance field has many aspects that need change and modernization, and it seems your project can address many of these issues. Next time, please aim to keep the presentation within the 5-minute mark. Excellent work!"


Paulo Almeida

Grants Manager