Dreaming AI Language Tutor

Created by team Dreaming AI on July 31, 2023

Meet Dreaming AI-Language Tutor - an innovative solution dedicated to transforming language learning through artificial intelligence. We offer cheaper, everywhere language learning experiences. Our service is engaging, affordable, and highly effective, providing immersive language learning experiences anytime, anywhere. We cater to both individual learners with pay-as-you-go or subscription options and businesses with our comprehensive Software as a Service solutions. Our mission is to revolutionize the language learning landscape by making it more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable for everyone.

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    Weiming Zhu

"Weiming, the idea of AI powered tutoring is a good one but you need to work a lot on this although I liked the approach from the technical perspective as you tried your best. I will suggest deploying the solution somewhere online so that others can test your prototype. Moreover, try to add business proposition as well while presenting your idea for any hackathon, this gives judges and mentors good insights about the future market and standings of such AI based products. Keep it up, and looking forward to it in the future. "


Muhammad Inaamullah

ML Engineer