Frequent shutdowns and slow speeds have led to significant economic losses, with businesses suffering and losses exceeding $1.62 billion in 2024. Poor internet connectivity poses major challenges, such as delays in retrieving medical records, obstacles in telemedicine consultations, and disrupted communication among healthcare providers.Today people are still facing these kinds of issues. SpotConnect is a scalable AI-driven platform designed to revolutionize the way users report and address network issues. It empowers individuals to provide real-time feedback about their current connectivity challenges, such as slow internet speeds, network outages, and hardware malfunctions. By geolocation services, SpotConnect efficiently collects and analyzes feedback data to notify nearby organizations including internet service providers(ISPs), local authorities, and community-based technical teams allowing them to take timely action and improve overall network reliability.It also provide real time updates of network issues in the users area.Build using NextJs , FastAPI and the feedbacks of users store in the Database. When the organizations solved the issue, they can set the status of feedback from pending to resolved. It not only helps the people but it also make awareness in the community what issues people are facing related to internet or any other connectivity problems. Furthurmore, It also helps the organizations to detect the issue as soon as possible.
Category tags:"Decent project, but needs more specificity, work and creativity. The demo was way longer than recommended. Keep working on it"
Shebagi Mitra
Technical Mentor
"excellent idea but very long ppt, continue working on it. good luck"
Walaa Nasr Elghitany
Lablab Head Judge