8 years of experience
20+ years freelance/full stack developer. I build software from scratch. JavaScript and Python. I like Web App Security. Artificial Intelligence cracked my secret hiding strategy, so it's time for me to level up! I'm diving into the realm of AI software engineering because If you can't beat them, join them!
In a digital landscape where collaboration is paramount, efficient and meaningful code reviews can be a game-changer. Enter our latest project: an innovative tool tailored exclusively for pull requests, transforming the way developers perceive and interact with code feedback. At its core, our tool automates the creation of concise executive summaries, instantly adding them to pull requests. This snapshot allows developers to get an immediate sense of the review. However, for those keen on delving deeper, we have a dedicated platform that hosts detailed reports, offering a full spectrum view of the review process. But what truly distinguishes our tool is the seamless integration with the @semantic-labs chatbot. This feature brings a dynamic, interactive layer, empowering developers to engage in Q&A directly related to the review, ensuring clarity and bridging knowledge gaps. Integration couldn't be simpler: Just incorporate an AMICUS.json in your repository, and our tool seamlessly integrates, revolutionizing the code review landscape.