United States
2 years of experience
Recent graduate of the CS program at the San Francisco State University. I am interested in AI/ML, data storytelling, web dev, UI design, debugging, backend engineering and computer vision. I am always looking for ways to use technology to promote arts and literature. I enjoy learning about web scraping, Vue.js, Javascript, Python, Flask, HTML/CSS.
Our project is about using Google Vertex AI text-generation model(s) to recommend recently published literary pieces (short fiction, creative nonfiction essays, interviews, etc) published by small, independent or academic literary journals, to a wider audience. The motivation for our project is the grim reality of how underfunded small, literary journals areto increase the readership of literary journals by encouraging our app's users to click on interesting headlines to read the entire piece on the journal's website. We envision that the users could use some filter words to narrow their search or our recommendations. To recommend these pieces, we want to either classify each literary piece or to use AI to summarize it to no more than 10-15 words.
Using LangGrpah and OpenAI latest models and function calling capability, we created an agent that interacts with the user over a very interesting dataset maintained by the city of San Francisco government about all the locations in the city that have been used by film and TV projects since the early 20th century. Our goal is to inform tourists and locals alike about all the interesting history associated with different landmarks and streets in the city as it relates to visual arts ad culture. We envision users asking the Agent questions about different categories of films shot in SF; Asking the agent to provide an itinerary customized to the user's geo-location and interests. As of now, we have a working prototype that offers information based on the dataset. However, the geo-location feature has not been completely implemented yet.