8 years of experience
Automation Anywhere Certified RPA (Automation Anywhere) Trainer, IABAC Certified Trainer for delivering Practitioner Courses, registered NSDC Trainer, Experienced Assistant Professor with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. Skilled in Python (Programming Language), JFS, C++, Java, and Machine Learning.
The Student Attentiveness Live Monitoring App intends to measure the activeness of students during live lectures online. The considered parameters are a) Yawning, b) Head Position, and c) Wandering eye movements for measuring the activeness. When a live session is happening, the instructors will be displayed with the number of students who are finding the session boring or who are inactive. The purpose of the application is to ensure that the students are active at all times, which is absent in most cases, especially in an online session. Online classes certainly save the time and energy required from students and teachers. However, since there is no physical connection between them, the classes happen to be monotonous. With this app, the teachers will be able to sense the feeling of students and engage them effectively.
28 Aug 2023
For every concept/topic typed in the CustomGPT application, there will be a story, a game or a scenario given as a response as default. The objective of the MyFunTutor is to demonstrate and articulate a concept with real-time examples and scenarios where the learners apply the concepts as a First Pointer Shooter perspective and thus ensure that the concepts are perceived rather than learnt or memorized. Moreover, the current systems and applications will need explicit commands from the asker/user to mention the requirements. But MyFunTutor will be answering the concepts in three different contexts, like a simple version, intermediate version and an advanced version.
24 Nov 2023
Imagine a friendly chatbot designed to keep you safe, like yourdigital guardian. This chatbot is powered by Gemini AI, makingit super smart and quick to understand your needs. Gemini AIhelps the chatbot learn and adapt to your preferences, makingthe interaction feel more natural. Now, add an extra layer ofsecurity with TruLens. It's like putting on a safety filter for yourconversations. TruLens enhances the chatbot's ability to identifyand handle sensitive information, ensuring that your personaldetails stay secure. So, whether you're chatting about your dayor seeking assistance, this dynamic duo of Gemini AI andTruLens makes your experience both intelligent and safe. Our tech tutor has achieved remarkable success by tailoring personalizedlearning experiences, fostering hands-on practice, conducting accessibleQ&A sessions, curating a customized curriculum, and emphasizing real-worldapplications, ensuring practical understanding and skill development foroptimal student growth. Our tech tutor is your personalized learning companion, guiding youthrough hands-on exercises and answering your questions inaccessible Q&A sessions. The curriculum is tailored to your goals,ensuring practical relevance, and the tutor enhances understandingby connecting theoretical concepts to real-world applications.
22 Dec 2023